Life changing

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hey guys!! my apologies for the absence I've been very occupied with Uni and studies, I'll try and be as active as possible, stay close more updates coming soon.

Uziel POV

Morning came fast, I slowly got up trying to gain back strength,  I sighed and knelt down and prayed for my family, for this situation and for my sister,

After praying, I got up and went to the bathroom to brush and wash my face, I walked back to my room and took my luggage's and started packing my clothes.

My room soon became as empty as I saw it the first time we moved here when I was little, I don't remember the house we were before because I was very little, I sighed that's not really my problem right now,
I took the last luggage of mine and put it in the truck of my fathers car,

"Son, are you done with the packing?" My dad said, walking up to me and touching my shoulder in comfort,

I looked at him and remembered the dream i had, making my heart beat a little bit faster in fear, I brought him close and hugged him tight,

"Yes, father, I'm done. I'll go take Mother's own, and we can leave," I said, reading him and smiling sadly,

He nodded in understanding,
"Ok, son, I love you," he said , walking to the drivers seat,

I walked back to the house and went to pack my mother's stuff.
I was done packing her stuff, and as I was officially locking the front door I turned around, looking at the cloudy sky,

"stand for me and my family God, vengeance is yours If it is of your own will then so be it" I said as tears fell down my eyes, I don't understand why all this is happening but I'm an angel I know it's because of something big that will happen, I wiped my tears and composed myself and quickly walked to the car as my parents waited for me.

I breathed in the new strange sent of our new home away from other angels really far away, I think it's for the best, maybe it's just a period of isolation for the benefit of our family, I smiled a bit as I felt a calming sensation wash over me, I don't want to think negative anymore about this situation but to just focus on the positive part I feel like it will bring us to see the truth.

I walked down the stairs of our new home as i started memorising the place, I heard my parents laughing at something he said, and I smiled at that. It felt like they laughed a long time ago,

" What are my favourite two people in the world laughing at?" I said as I walked closer towards them as they arranged and kept away the groceries we bought along the way over to our new home,

" Ohh, your father was being silly, don't mind him," my mother said, blushing. I raised my brow at her suspiciously,

" Ohh ok then imma leave you guys to do your things I'll be in the living room setting up the tv and the rest" I said smiling while shaking my head, I went to the living room and started working.

Ethan's POV

We were having dinner that I made, Rayna was persistent in letting Elias stay here with us for the evening, she eat and kept looking at him smiling,

"Hey, is everything OK?" I asked her, curious of what she was thinking of him,

"Is he a treat?" I asked her,

She looked at me curiously,

"No, very young boy bright destiny," she said with a bright smile,

I nodded in understanding,

Fallen AngelKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat