A burning heart

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Uziel's POV

I couldn't sleep all night, I just couldn't,  it's early in the morning here, my sister hasn't come home yet, I got up from my bed and wiped my tears,

" Rayna please come back home" I whispered as I covered my face with my hands, I sighed in frustration and went to the bathroom.

After being done with my usual morning routine I got dressed and went down stairs to look for my parents, my mom looked like she was mourning the death of her child, it's understandable, but I refuse to believe that Rayna was basically a fallen angel now, my family would never see her again, I just couldn't wrap my head around what has happened, dad sat close to her holding her hands in comfort, he looked devastated, he looked defited, I sighed sadly and walked up to them,

" she's gonna come back unarmed and well and she's going to explain how this was all a joke ok? Mom, dad?" The sadly looked at me,

I don't care if at this point I looked delusional, she will come back, this was just a bad dream, i shook my head and wiped the miserable tears that rushed out of my eyes.

I just want my little sister back.

Ethan's POV

I struggle opening the front door with me being tired, I looked down at my arms and looked at a beautiful and tired face,

" I hope you wake up soon " I whispered  placing her gently on the couch,

I sighed tiredly and went upstairs to the bathroom and took the aid kit and towels, i went to my closet and brought out a fresh t shirt for her, shit I could have asked her her name before she passed out,

"You're such a dumb ass" I said to myself, 

I walked back to my small living room and placed the kit on the small table and I went to the kitchen to wet a towel before walking back and I knelt down before her, I softly patted her injuries trying to clean away the blood and dirt as much as I can, at least I knew she was breathing.

After cleaning all her injuries I wrapped her up and carefully put on my clean t shirt on her, I admired her skin colour, the softens it carried was surreal, it felt like I was touching the clouds.

When I was done I took her carefully in my arms and went upstairs to my room and placed her in my bed tucking her in, I walked in my closet and took fresh clothes out for myself,  I went back down stair to clean up the mess I did, when done I took the aid kit and walked back to the bathroom, 
I stripped and looked at myself in the mirror, I starred at my reflection, all I saw was a tired man that didn't know his purpose in life, he saw a lost man that the only emotions he only felt familiar with where sadness and anger,

"What am I doing?"

Third POV

He glanced away from the mirror and started the shower, the water that poured out was very hot but at this point he didn't care, he walked inside the shower and sighed trying to relax,

his mind drifted back to the woman that was laying on his bed barley alive,
He wondered what creature she was, he never believed something like her ever existed, a black woman at that, all the teaching he remembered when he once went to school was all lies, all the stories about Angel's where all lies, what he saw was the total opposite of what the humans knew, the only truth he thought was correct where only the prove that Angel's indeed had wings, her's where a pure white with some golden feathers, both colours blended so well it was out of the comprehension of the humans, to call it perfection was an understatement.

after his shower he dried up and wore his pijamas he walked out of the bathroom, he pause when he saw the woman laying on his bed, he wanted to really look at her but he felt like a creep so he walked out of the room silently and went down stairs straight to the kitchen, went over to where he stored his liquoir, took a class cup and went to the living room switching on the tv and he immidialty heard the death of the powerful business man he killed today

" Lucas Washinton the CEO of tecnofill tragically died this late night about 3 hours ago at his house to an unknown course, the investigation are still up and the family members hope for justice for their beloved",

at hearing that a chuckle left his lips, finding it funny how they know it was an assassination but didn't want to disclosure that information, he swiftly drank his liquor, he laid on the couch and closed his eyes trying to relax, he knew that tomorrow will a stressful day for him.

In the early morning...

It was 4 am precisely when Ethan woke up, unfortunately he always wakes up at this ungodly hours due to his insomnia, he got up and walked to his room opening the door slowly and softly remembering the angel that was peaceful sleeping, his door made creaking sound making him stop in his track, he breathed out in relief when he saw that she didn't move a muscle,
He quickly got inside the bathroom and as quietly as possible he brushed his teeth, washed his face and got out of the bathroom, he went to his closer and took out his gym clothes, he usually does his extreme workout when he wakes up and he prepares for his next target in the night time, he's a night person per se,

As he got dressed he turned around to feel his heart leap out of his chest out of fear,
You see fear was something he was never accustomed to, he never wanted to experience it and was not planing to, but seeing the woman angel standing as tall as him in all her glory, bandaged up but still looked magnificent and strong feeling gripped his heart , everything about her caught him off guard, a wave of aura that she emitted made his body weak causing him to fall to the ground, the fear he felt was not the fear he felt when his parents died but it was a fear that carried out immense respect to the woman angel,

his body did all that, his mind was fuzzy, he didn't know what just happened, he was breathing heavily as if he was punched on the stomach, his mind and body where not collaborating at all, he wanted to stand strong and show her his real self, a strong man, hartless and to be feared, a man that did not take command from anybody but himself, a man that didn't give a damb of what was happening around him,

With the little strength he had left he got up groaning in slight pain and he looked up at the glowing woman, her brown was so close to a golden colour,  he couldn't even explain how her skin was by just looking at it,
Her head was slightly tilted to the side to analyse the human,
Ethan felt like she was glaring at him but she wasn't,
She walked up to him and caressed his hair smiling softly, Ethan watched in awe,

"Thank you heal me" she whispered,

At hearing her voice he heald his breath and closed his eyes,
Unknowingly as he did so the vision of his life from birth to that very moment flashed through Rayna's eyes, her eyes flashed a golden light as she saw everything, unfortunately she felt everything too it was all raw, from his pain to anger to revenge,

She quickly removed her hand from his head and stubble backwards with a scream of pain at what she felt, the pain she was going through and the pain she felt when she touched and felt Ethan's life story broke her as she trembled,

"Pain!! Pain!!" She scream as she hugged herself in a way to comfort herself and her thoughts,
Ethan that didn't know what happened but only felt a small headache as he closed his eyes earlier looked at her in shook and quickly dropped to the ground and brought her close to himself, 

" shit I'm sorry! Are you in pain? Did I do something wrong?" He asked fanatically holding the trembling woman, it felt like what happened earlier was happening again,

"Hey calm down you will hurt yourself more this way" he said as he held her close to him as much as possible, 

This was the second time he was in close contact with anybody at all, it felt familiar but strange to him.

Fallen AngelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora