My downfall

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Remember guys that they do not speak English but their language, obviously i'll write everything in English not that I would've used another language.

Rayna's POV

On this beautiful day, I was outside in the garden with my parents and brother eating lunch, we where chatting when I noticed that my Uncle hasn't come out yet to eat, I frowned at that, what was he doing?,

"Rayna dear are you ok? Why are you frowing?" Asked my mother as she caressed my hair, I leaned in on her and smiled,

"Nothing mother I was just wondering where Uncle Arran is? We are almost done with lunch he must be hungry by now but he's not here yet " I said shrugging my shoulders,

" don't worry about your Uncle, he'll come eventually maybe he's busy" said my dad, I nodded my head then went back to eat.

" oh my God, i'm so fat I can't even breath properly" my brother said as we entered the kitchen and placed the plates in the sink, I rolled my eyes at his dramatic self,

" and I still don't see any fat in his body but muscles" I said under my breath,

" you said something sis?" he asked raising his brow, I gave him a sweet smile,

" nothing that is of importance brother" I said patting his shoulder and leaving the kitchen all for him, a few meters away from the kitchen I heard my brother yell,

" hey!!! are you leaving all this dishes for me to wash" he yelled, I laughed before I was already far away from the kitchen and I was not about to turn around and was them dishes no ma'am!!.

As I was about to enter my room I heard my Uncle call me, I turned around with a big smile and went to give him a bear hug,

" good afternoon Uncle how are you? u didn't come to lunch today" I said now frowning, he's the only I have and he's the best Uncle ever, I look up to him because he was one of the elders in our community, everyone loves him so much,

" hello my adorable niece i'm doing good I was just in a meeting with our superior and I eat there with him, you are sent to a mission today u'll have to reach there in the late hours" he said,

" oh I though he decided to send me next week?" I said,

he shook his head and patted my head,

" no dear humans needs help 24/7 on earth this as usual is urgent so go on get get ready you are leaving in 30 minutes time, I've already told your parents and my nephew as well and they sent their good luck and protection to you ok?" He said smiling at me,

I was a bit sad that they didn't come personally to say goodbye but it's fine anyway, I nodded smiling softly at my uncle,

" Ok uncle thank you so much I'll see all of you when I come back" I said,

"Yes sweetheart we shall see when you come back" he said and I entered my room to get dressed properly.

I leave my house and went to the gates, the two guard angel smiled when the saw me,

"Good day Rayna are you going on a mission?" The asked at the same time, I smiled a nodded my head,

"Yes I do it was at short notice, I'll come back eventually " i said,

They nodded and opened the gates for me,

" goodluck " they said,

"Thank you"

After about 10 minutes of walking I finally reached the portal, it opened and I went through it, I stood and admired the galaxy, it was so beautiful, I smiled at the scene and closed my eyes ready to teleport myself but I felt a very strong pain in my head, I screamed out in pain, as the pain became unbearable, my body shook and I felt myself loose consciousness slowly and I feel,

I felt myself falling and I panicked, I regained consciousness as I heard the loud sound of the bells, i inhaled and opened my eyes, I realized that I was falling, I passed other planets and a planet was right under me, it was earth, I screamed at what was happening,

" Noooo" I screamed I'm dread, this was not suppose to be happening, the bell that rang through the galaxy meant that someone broke the rule, God!! my parents will be so devastated, not to even talk about my uncle and brother,

I tried to teleport again but it cause the pain in my head to increase,

" no please not this" I cried, I didn't have strength any longer, I didn't know what was happening to me, it felt like I was paralysed, with the velocity I was going I felt the bones of one of my wings breaking making scream out in pain, I smelled something burning and I looked at my hair, it was burning, I used my hand to protect my head as I felt my body near the earth, how did this happen?.

Third POV

Uziel, Sila and Zac panicked and rushed out of the house, with Arran, the all looked panicked, who has broken the rule, this has happened a long time ago and almost forgot that rule existed, they hadn't been a falling angel in decades.

Uziel looked around but he didn't find his sister, he stopped in his track,

" oh no no please " he whispered brokenly, he felt like his heart stopped beaten, he rushed back to the house,

"Rayna?? Rayna where are you?? Please come down!!" He screamed,

dread was what he was feeling right now,
He rushed up the stair to her sister's room and found it empty,

"Rayna please this is not funny" he screamed in desperation as tears fell down his eyes, his little sister was everything to him, since when Rayna was born he felt an immense joy and he became so protective of her, not seeing her with him right now broke his heart.

He ran back outside looking for his parents, when he saw them he fell to the ground,

" mom, dad, I can't find Rayna!! Where is she?" He asked desperately, both parents looked at him in shock, his uncle looked sad,

" no it's impossible, it can't be her that broke the rule!! Zac do something ask our supervisor who broke the rule, please it can't be her!!" Sila gripped the garment of her husband in desperation as she cried, he stood the still shocked from the news,

" I'll go my brother, just stay with her and my nephew " Arran said and he went off to look for nobody in particular, he knew that she was the one because he sent her to earth not the superior supervisors, he shook his head and laughed,

" I wonder how they'll find out all this" he wondered with a smile.

After a while he went back to his brother who was now at their house waiting for him in the living room,
They looked at him and he shook his head with a sad face, Sila fell to the ground screaming and crying,

" no not my baby!! She didn't do it something has happened to her I don't believe it, she would never" she cried,

" uncle please tell me it's all a joke, it's a joke right?" Uziel said as his voice broke and tears fell down his face,

" I'm sorry my nephew, she was the one, I couldn't believe it myself as they told me, my little innocent niece" Arran faked the tears as the came out of his eyes,

" nobody is allowed to leave our realm, if she's not coming back in two days she'll be punished severely " Arran still said.

They knew what would happen, they'll strip her of all her powers, the superiors would have have a meeting with God himself to decide if to cast her out of heaven or just punish her in another way.

There was no need for that, God knew and saw everything, he decided to let her destiny play out.

What do ya'll think of this first chapter?😁 I hope you liked it and as always a feedback would be appreciated🧡.

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