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Cw: violence, suicide, mention of teacher-student relationship, pretty triggering ngl🫣 sorry for the angst I havent been feeling good so self projecting again💀 fluff in the next chapter tho so dw (for now) 😈

June 14th, 2006
9.13, pm.

You sighed, arranging all your items you had brought to the trip onto your bed. You were mentally exhausted and wanted nothing more than to sleep.

In your room.

You felt horribly home sick- and you missed your dad too.

You tried to ignore rika and camilia who was cackling about something on their phones- sitting on the bed that was thankfully not the one you were on at the moment.

Aria was showering- magically arriving at the hotel the same time you did. It was odd that she was even at that same beach anyways.

But you tried not to think much of it- not having the energy to do so anyways.

You froze in dread when you heard the two girls laugh at you- mentioning your name in a sentence.

You turned to them- looking literally exhausted.

Rika snorted, "are you seriously gonna let arias words get to you? You're so weak."

You clenched your jaw, hands stopping it's job from taking out all the things from your bag.

"You don't know the kinda things she says to me." You mumbled, way too fucked out of your mind and too vulnerable to even defend yourself. You wanted nothing more than to break down once again and cry.

But if you did, things would just spiral out of control again.

"What? That you're just some freak that fucks the math teacher? Or that you're a slut who fucked your sisters ex?" Rika smirked, folding her arms. Camilia didn't dare to say something harmful straight to your face- still intimidated.

You were too exhausted to even be angry right now. You suddenly felt your eyes sting and your nose get warm- an indication of you about to cry your heart out.

You could feel a sob crawling up your throat, a weak whimper that'd start your crying session all over again. You swallowed thickly, turning back to arranging your things on the bed.

"Too tired to bite back? That's not like you y/n... who even are you?" Rika was taunting you, her words stinging you like venom.

So it wasn't just you who thought you'd lost yourself? Others noticed it too?

You bit on your quivering bottom lip, looking at the two wet droplets that splatted on the material of your bag- darkening the colour of the beige white.

"Where's the angry girl who beat up the spoilt girl in your class?"

"JUST SHUT UP!" You felt a string snap in you- and the last thing you remembered seeing was camilias horrified face.

You felt your ears ringing and you instantly dropped to your knees from how loud and overwhelming everything was. Everything was black- you couldnt see anything or hear anything but the familiar whispering sounds.

You gasped once you snapped back into reality- greedily sucking in oxygen as you felt your throat swell and close up on you- making you panic since it was getting harder to breath each second.

You gripped onto your hair tightly, pulling on it and shaking your head to try and get the voice out.

To try and get her voice out.

You panted, eyes wide as you stared down on the carpeted floor that slowly came into vision. The whispers slowly quieted down as you stared down at the floor blankly, the grip on your hair loosening.

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