"Does mine have cool little features like yours?" He asked seemingly frustrated. "Or just the one unwanted roommate?"

Luna smiled despite hoping they would soon start to get along.

"Come on. Let's go get Mokuba." She said as she willed her Blue-Eyes Alternative Dragon to come out of the cave.

Seto stared at her dragon for a moment in silence before summoning out his Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.

Luna wondered what that had been about, but they had no time to lose. She got up on her dragon as she willed her dancers to come forth. She summoned Meteor B. Dragon and Black Skull Dragon.

"You guys get on the Red Eyes and go on up ahead in that direction to make sure the coast is clear." She said before turning to Bandit Keith. "Do you need a flying monster?"

Bandit simply summoned a Seiyaryu in response and got up on it.

Luna had forgotten about the non-machine cards that Bandit used as a Rare Hunter.

"Okay, good." She acknowledged before turning back to see Seto still seemingly lost in thought. "Hey, I need you."

That seemed to have brought Seto's attention back to the present as his eyes seemed to focus on Luna. But he simply nodded and approached her dragon on his own, in silence.

"Is it the Pharaoh?" Luna asked, wondering how his mood could change so fast. "What happened, talk to me."

"It's nothing, let's stop wasting time. My brother needs me." He said, curtly.

Luna wondered for a moment if she had done something wrong, but time was of the essence.

"Let's go then." She said as she made her Alternative Dragon take off.

Her dancers on their respective Red-Eyes dragons took flight and went ahead as Luna had directed them. Bandit took flight but stayed beside Luna.

She looked down to see Pegasus and the Master looking up at them.

"Don't worry about us, dear." Pegasus said with a smile.

Luna nodded. She was grateful for the help they had provided. Now it was up to her and her friends. She looked at Seto flying on his Ultimate Dragon and nodded at him as well before she willed her Alternative Dragon to fly fast. To everyone's surprise, her dragon folded its wings and seemingly launched itself like a bullet, she felt some sort of pressure break before she willed her dragon to stop.

What the flying fuck was that?

She realized she was already beside her dancers who had stopped and were looking at her in confusion as well.

"Are you well, master?" The dancer on her Slash Dragon asked. "What was that noise?"

"What noise?" Luna asked, still perplexed.

When she looked back, there seemed to be nothing amiss.

"There was a loud noise as you flew incredibly fast." Her dancer explained.

Did I break the sound barrier?

Seto and Bandit made their way to her.

"Can your Blue-Eyes do that?" Luna asked out of curiosity.

"It takes a while to get to that speed, but it can't launch itself like that." Seto admitted, not seeming excited at all.

"I will have to control this thing better." Luna said as she tried to calm her heart.

It was exciting and scary but also good. It felt right. She pat her dragon's neck, wondering if anything could feel as great as that. Surely, Seto could relate, after all, Blue-Eyes were his monsters.

My Time in Battle City [Tales of Luna, Book 1]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt