Everyone laughs, patting me and Jack on the back. Jack start mocking Rudy and laughing too. I just walk back over to the bench and sit down. I think for a second.

"I think I'm gonna head out, guys." I speak to the group who were still laughing. The laughter must have droned out my voice since no one replied. "Guys." I more question than state. "Okay, good talk." I pick up my bag, walking out the door with no one noticing. This day was off. Way off.

I can't even describe how weird today has been. First, everyone doesn't hear me talk. Second, Jack hasn't spoken to me all day. Third, I got an F in Home-Ec because my cake was "too dry, too sweet, and not enough cream cheese frosting." And lastly, I got dress coded for a dress "too small" when a girl named Abby wore the exact same dress for game day. It's bullshit.

Now I have to go play a volleyball game against the best team in the valley. They won champions five years in a row. God, could this day get any worst?

It got worst.

During the team warm up the starters went up on the net to hit. Me being a starter and being front middle meant I got to hit first. We started the drill, the setter setting the ball to two, which is middle. Josie being the ball hog she is came from back row as I jumped up. She ran up and jumped, pushing me out of the way and hit the ball straight into the net. Not only would it have been a back row hit and would have costed us a point in the game, she didn't even make it over.

I fell on one foot since I had been pushed, causing my knee to bend wrong. I fell, hitting my face hard on the gym floor. In the end, I couldn't play and already had a bruise forming on my cheekbone. Josie took my spot as middle and entirely fucked the game up. Coach wouldn't let me play because she was worried I might get injured even more. We would have had a chance but she kept fucking up. I know, I know, I shouldn't talk shit about my team but she is why I couldn't play at the biggest game of the season. Honestly, what the fuck else could go wrong?

After the game, I decided to go to the dojo. Coach gave me a brace for my knee and I can mostly walk on it. I honestly didn't care enough to change my clothes so I stayed in my spandex and jersey, changing into different shoes, of course.

Walking into the dojo, I heard Jack's voice.

"Uh, Rudy, what's going on?" He wore a red shirt with black jeans and a red plaid flannel.

"Jack, I'm very busy working on my acting career." Rudy had his leg up on a chair, leaning his hand on his hand. There was a guy there taking Rudy's photo. "This is what they call in the biz having my headshot."

"Is it cool if I worked out?" Jack asked. Neither of them have noticed me yet. What. The. Fuck. "I'm really close to nailing a new bo staff routine."

"Fine. If you insist on doing karate in this dojo, do it over there." Rudy shoos Jack off.

Not caring what Rudy is saying to the photographer, I walk over to were Jack was since he was by my locker. The door squeaks open as I shove my exercise bag into it. I needed to punch one of the dummies, I really did. I start to grab one, trying to pull it but failing because of my knee.

"Shit." I curse under my breath, trying to calm my raged breathing.

"Here, let me help." Jack tries.

"No, Jack, I'm fine." I fume. "Just don't talk to me like you have all day." I mumble.


"Nothing, Jack, just work on your routine."


I angrily punch the dummy in the face, causing it to fall over before I whip my head around to Jack, "Just stop!"

"What happened to your face?"

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