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Seven Rose a 24 year old 'innocent' woman who lives in chicago working at a strip club but as a bartender. Being in the need of money she was really thinking about being a stripper since they make more money.. right? But for now she remains a bartender  and works hard for money to flee chicago.. why you may ask?  Growing up Seven's mother which who is  Bella was a single mom taking care of Seven and trying to work at the same time so the family of two would not fall aprt due to the lack of money. Seven knew what was wrong as she was growing up, she knew that she needed to make money for her mother.. but what was stopping her at first from being a bartender at a strip club? her boyfriend.. Leo, Seven's toxic, abusive, and dumb boyfriend. Her mother did not need to know what was going on in her relationship because she simply didn't wanna stress her mother out anymore since she was already grown. Even though Seven was scared of Leo she also still had some type of love for him... Nobody knew what was going on in Seven's head through out her relationship nor life.. she felt unwanted but wanted at the sametime? Leo would be possesive but leave her when he wants nothing to deal with her next.. everything was so cofusing her Sevens small mind. 

There was a point in life where Seven would be bad.. like bad to the point where she went to jail and juvie before.. she would steal things from poeple, stores, and do illegal  things just for money.. and she regreated it so much.. regreated putting herself in jail before and making her mother worry about her. She did so many bad things nobody really knows about.. she wants to leave Chicago, leave all of that behind her. 

Will anything ever change? She never thought she do more illegal things.. not even the normalized ones!!! the dangous ones.. Until she took Mr. Romano's offer... But something in his eyes shows her he wants her to be more than his teammate. Wait Until what Enzo Romano thinks about his new teammate. 

Will he ever find out about her abusive ex? 

Will he ever know her past lifestyle? Shes new to all of this.. well some of it. 

How about we switch it to her talkin yeah? im tired of typin for her >:( gosh!

| S e v e n ' s  p o v |

sighs always leave my mouth when Im talking to him.. what happen to him? what happen to us? ever since I told him about me wanting to be stripper hes been kinda distance lately.. but still so possesive about me and wont let me even wear what I want.. he even gets arggesive towards me.. it hurts me a lot..  Im scared to leave him.. what if he tries to kill me! oh no.. ohhh no!! That can't happen! I have to make money to help me and my mother.. sadly who Im supposed to call Father left me and my mother long ago... I still wonder why sometimes but I can't always focus on him.. I have to focus on making money to make my mothers life better for the both of us. 

ugh.. I need to sign that form to become a stripper some day.. I always sit at work behind a bar giving out drinks and more drinks.. that barely pays for shit sometimes! dont get me wrong its a good paying job.. only when they'res a lot of people at the club, it depends on the hour but thankfully my dumb ass switched to fucking night shift. FUCK WHAT MY BOYFRIEND SAYS!! Hes blind to realize Im doing this for my mother, he thinks im doing this because im trying to get at him for cheating on me... but no.. well maybe... actually yes, yes I am because I wanna give him hints that I dont want to be with him anymore.. but hes scary when hes mad.. before when Me and him used to be friends he was so nice to me.. now that were older hes not the same guy i meant in Junior year of high school. Is he mad I made him wait for what? a year? wait.. hold on actually forget the math.. I failed math a couple times okay? anyways.. 

I used to be a bad person.

I used to steal

I used to sell drugs

I even used to break into cars.. Everywhere I go police looking at me because they know what I've done before.. and I know it was bad that I did that but I tried to get evrything I could so I can at least have a snack with my mother before she went off to work to try and oay off our bills. I did all of that through out my teenage years. I am now 24 years old making somewhat better money tha before paying off something at least. 

Will I ever find a fucking better job or what though? UGH I complain to much and I even realize that... wow, me complaining? that doesn't sound like me. Im always calm and patiant, Now that Im getting paid better than before im trynna be selfish and get money for my mother. I just want us to have the nice things that everybody else has..

"I'm sorry but excuse me? what did you just say?"


Enzo Romano a 26 year old man who took his fathers lead into the mafia world when he was 18.. Doing it for his father after who mysterously passed away when Enzo was a baby.. which leads him to wanting to find out more on what really happened to his father. Will Enzo Romano ever find out? Will he ever seek revange for his father who mystrously passed away? 

Even though Enzo's mother which who is Deva is a single mother taking care of Enzo and his twin brother Romeo. Even though they did not look alike his mother still always got them mixed up when their back faced her. Deva is still a powerful woman even without her husband who passed away.. she does miss him dearly but she always tends focuses on her sons and their teammates to make sure their okay and still healthy not wanting to loose them like her husband.  

Enzo always told himself he will not fall in love.. why you may ask? well.. I dont know you ask him not me!! 

| E n z o ' s   P o v |

I always told myself I wouldn't fall in love.. Im a mafia leader not a boyfriend or husband I have to many things to worry about in my life. My main goal is to find out what happened to my father..  His mysterious death still hurts me.. even though I only remember so little about my father.. It was clear that he loved my Mother so much but.. a mysterious death? Why? and how? I just want to know what really happened to my father. I don't ever wanna fall in love if my future wife has to go through that. Im a dangerous man, Yes I may be be seen has more powerful if I have a wife but I don't wanna fall in love.. besides all those times I even tried to was bad.. They all end of leaving me because they find out Im basically a murderer.... like duh im the mafia leader what do you want me to do? sit my ass home and let my teammates fuck up without me? yeah no thank you, Im first trynna get money and gold and more weapons and of course find out what happen to my father of course but I gotta take it easy on me and my teammates.. We've been searching since Me and Romeo were 18. Eight years trynna find out what happen to my father.. I can't give up now.. I am going to find out what happen to him.  

Ugh.. fuck this whole love shit.. Im never gonna find love anyways, The only people I should worry about is my Mother, brother, and my teammates. 

"You heard me tesoro"



HEY GUYS! sorry if this one is bumpy.. if im being fr I dunno what to write *crying inside*  BUT ILL KEEP THINKING ABOUT IDEAS!  i hope you guys like this.. if you dont... dont tell me and hurt mah feelings :') 

thank u! smooch!

speaking of ideas finna writre some ideas on my notes >:D 

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