✯Twenty-One✯ - Blissful Words

Start from the beginning

She wanted more. More than just a kiss.

Too far deep in her thought, she hadn't realized the car had stopped, until the door opened for her to step out.

"Where are we?" Teresa asked as she took the hand he had offered to her. She stepped out immediately catching a full glimpse of the sun about to set and give away to the darkness of the night.

She surveyed the area he had stopped to realize there was a hill overlooking almost the entire area of the city.

"My special place." He answered from behind her. She whirled her gaze towards him and caught him leaning on the hood of his car. He had a small smile on his face as he gave her a sheepish look. "I'm sure you have a lot of questions for me?"

Unable to say anything, she nodded, still mesmerized at his handsome sculpture. She swallowed hard as she took note of a little visible hair beard growing on his jaw and chin.

She finally took in his entire face with the help of the sunlight on him.

He looked tired. The dark circles around his eyes are fully visible for any living being around to notice. His brown hair tattered and disorganized. He was far from the Jacob she knew.

Teresa frowned at his appearance as he wore simple faded blue jeans with a deep blue Seattle Marinade baseball tee-shirt, both his hands deep in his side pocket.

She has never seen Jacob this vulnerable before. The sight of him like this saddens her a lot, it was a look she doesn't like written on his face, even if it was the first time seeing such a look on him.

"What's wrong Jacob?" She asked her voice filled with concern, the spring air of the day beginning to get to her as night falls quickly.

Jacob sighs, averting his gaze away from her, like he needs to gather himself for a little while. "I like you Teresa. I really like you a lot."

His confession made her gasp in surprise. She wasn't expecting such words from him. Teresa kept her gaze on his as he lifted his eyes back on her. She searched his eyes deeply wanting to see any hint of humor or mischief in it, but she saw nothing but sincerity.

Her heart immediately skipped a bit, before beating fast out of her own accord. "You like me?" She said breathlessly, bewildered. The thought of her daydreaming crossed her mind for a while, but the expression on his face kept drawing her back.

"Ever since the first day I knew you." He deadpanned, giving no more word away, but the heavy weight of his word lingering in the air.

"But I thought you didn't. All my life since I've known you, you've always found pleasure in making my life a living hell. I immediately presumed you hated me. I didn't know." She said pointing out her own point of view. The entire situation still surprised her a lot.

Jacob chuckled softly at her word. "Hate is really a strong word for what I feel for you. I never for once in my life hated you, that was the last thing I would ever feel for you." He spoke so carefully that Teresa's eyes almost became blurry with tears. "Would it surprise you if I had told you all those things I did to you in the past to gain your attention?"

Teresa's mouth became dry the moment he said those words, every part of her body became cold and hot. "Why didn't you just tell me?"

"You didn't give me the chance to. All your focus then was on Gideon. During our highschool days, I tried making things right with you, but each time I came close to you, you either flinched at my sight, or you ran in the opposite direction. I won't lie and say that reaction from you didn't bother me, because it does. Then I thought if you still think bad of me then that was okay, that means you still had some feelings for me, even if it was just a little." He said not pausing for a minute to breathe, he spoke like he needed to get the entire words off his chest.

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