11 || Reminiscing The Past, A Distant Dream

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"I'm sorry but... who are you?"


It wasn't long before they realized she was Yashiro Nene, but she didn't recognize them.

Everyone else was taken aback by the sudden question, they weren't expecting it, really.
Her hair was short.
Her face still had a few bandages.
Her hair color had became pure cream white.
She's turned paler.


She doesn't remember anything.


This day was just like the usual.
The teachers would teach normally, the students would either listen attentively or secretly doze off or lose interest and avert their attention else where.

Amane was the same as always.
It's just that his gaze remained on Yashiro.

Everything felt different to him.
Usually, her hair would be in a braid. Not a small pigtail that flew with the wind.
She would usually be drawing in her notebook during Math.
She was listening attentively this time.

"Yugi, Amane-kun!"
"Hai!" he bolted in head up and stood up again.
Tsuchigomori squinted his eyes at him, then called out to Yamabuki Lemon who sat near Yashiro.

"Yamabuki, switch seats with Yugi."
"E-Eh?! Sensei--"
"'Cuse me, dude."

Before he could even protest, Yamabuki was already on Amane's seat, pretending to read a book when he was using his phone.

Amane, defeated, brought his items to his new seat and sat there as Tsuchigomori continued with his lecture.
Amane just decided to occupy himself with his thoughts, when a note was passed to him.

"My name is Yashiro Nene."

He looked confusingly at the pink sticky note filled with rabbits around it and her introduction to him. He looked back at her to see her smiling at him, then returned back to doodling who-knows-what.

He pulled out a pen and wrote his name.

"Yugi Amane."

How simple of an introduction.


"M-My name... I-I-s... Yashiro... Ne... Nene. Did I... Pronounce it right...?"


He looked down at his desk.
How they met always remained intact and vivid in his mind.

He often dreamed about it.
Reminiscing the past in a dream.
How cliché.
The past always seemed to have a way of entering his mind. Even when he slept.
It was... haunting him.
Ever since she disappeared it got rather worse.

What paused him from overthinking was another note she passed, it was yellow this time and it had different kinds of fruits drawn as a border design.

He must admit though, he felt a tad bit of jealousy when he saw three lemons on it. Making it worse, it was yellow. He shook his head and read the note.

"You we're one of the people who hugged me earlier."
"I don't remember any of you."
"I suffered from memory loss after the plane crash."
"When I was in a coma, I had dreams of all of you."

The last sentence caught him off guard.
Of us... of everyone...

"I see." Was the last thing he wrote.


Her smile always haunted him in his sleep.

Even if she wasn't there, he could hear her laughing, scolding and so much more.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2022 ⏰

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