1 || Best Friends

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As days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, months into years, Nene, Amane, Aoi, Akane, Kou and Mitsuba's friend group evolved.

"I told you, Aoi-chan! You see? There's four girls now!" Nene exclaimed.

"You, Me, Mei-chan and Sakura-chan only though... And as we picked them up from the road, they had boys with them..." Aoi sighed.

"You can consider this camera geek a girl." Kou snickered as he pointed towards Mitsuba.

"Shut up lame-ass-traffic-safety earring." Mitsuba insulted back.

"I said it's not lame!" Kou yelled.

"Says the guy who's mind is filled with dirty stuff." Mitsuba insulted again.

The two were about to bring up a storm, but thankfully Amane broke them up.

"You guys... We're in highschool now. You keep fighting over stupid things..." Amane sighed.

The two went their separate ways, but now without a deathly glare at each other.

"Those two look like a couple fighting over something..." Yashiro whispered.

"You can say that again..." Amane sighed.

"Are the others coming yet?" Amane turned to Yashiro.

"They said they'll be here in a minute." Yashiro read out the text sent to their groupchat.

"I swear you guys look like a couple planning a party for your wedding..." Aoi chirped.

"W-We are n-not!" Amane waved his hands rapidly while Yashiro shaked her head rapidly.

"If you guys are going to keep doing that, you'll break parts of your body, you know..." Aoi warned.


A boy with reddish-brown hair yelled, holding a rose.

"Marry me, Ao-chan!!!" He kneeled down and yelled.

Aoi stopped and stared at the boy.

"Hmm~ Nope~❤" Aoi responded. Leaving another heartbroken Akane.

"I swear... If Aoi got a husband, Akane still wouldn't give up." Yashiro laughed.

Amane stared at Yashiro, then smirked at an idea of his.

"Yashiro-chan!" Amane yelled as loud as he could.

"Yes, Amane-kun? You didn't have to shout you..."

Amane bowed down.

"I LOVE YOU, YASHIRO-CHAN!" he yelled once more.

Then he got on his knees.


The whole room was quiet after that.

"Sure." Yashiro smiled.

Akane's head jolted up from the answer.

"Ao-chan... Why can't we be more like them..." he cried again.

"E-Eh...?" Amane looked at Yashiro, flustered.

"Just kidding~" Yashiro chirped.

Amane sighed a sigh of relief. Though he was a little hurt.

Then there was a snap of a camera heard.

The whole group were staring at them, including a Mitsuba with his camera pointing towards the two friends.

"H-Hey!!!" Amane stood up immediately then rushed to Mitsuba.

"Delete it!!!!" Amane chased after Mitsuba.

"You have to catch me first!" Mitsuba snickered.

"Argh! You're lucky I wasn't able to practice today!" Amane yelled as he continued to chase after the pink haired boy.

While the two were chasing each other, Aoi approached Yashiro.

"Nene-chan~ I'm proud of you following my steps but..." Aoi started.

"Why did you reject him? Didn't you like him?" Aoi asked, worried that her best friend found someone else to love.

"The same question for you, Ao-chan." Yashiro responded.

"Nene-chan... You know my answer. I'm not ready to admit yet." Aoi responded.

"Same reason as you, Aoi." Yashiro smiled towards her best friend.

"Yashiro-san!" (Shijima Mei)

"Nene-san! Akane-san!" (Sakura)

"AMANEEEEEEEEEEE!! DAIKON-CHANNNN!" (you guys know who that is 😆)

"Tsukasa!" Amane complained as his brother clinged on him, causing both of them to fall.

"Where's Daikon-chan?! Have you smooched yet?!" Tsukasa attacked Amane with questions.

"Does smooching taste like lemon or strawberry?!"

"Tsukasa-kun, please get off of Amane-kun..." Yashiro tried to pry Tsukasa off his brother.

"Daikon-chan!" Tsukasa hugged Yashiro.

"Gee, My lady... I wish I could hug you like tha-"

"Don't touch me, Natsuhiko."

"Wow... A nice eat-all-you-can shop..." Shijima mumbled.

"You're free to take a picture and draw it, Mei-chan." Yashiro smiled while dusting off her skirt.

"No thanks... I'd rather eat." Shijima smiled back.

"Well then... You guys! Let's go in now!" Yashiro exclaimed as the group went into the shop.


Weeeee ch 1 finished! Hope you guys liked it so far, and I also hope you'll continue to support my stories.

Im sorry lol I just had to publish this

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Elysha is loggin' out!

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