6 || Rain

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There's a meme on top but the meme has nothing related to this chapter :)

Except the rain of course.
I know, I'm the worst 😌


"...ugi Amane? Yugi Amane?"




Amane attended school today, but didn't participate as much since Yashiro died.
Of course, people felt bad for him. So did the teachers.

"Never mind... I'll ask someone else..." the teacher sighed.

Amane could hear the teacher, but he just didn't want to answer.

"Akane Aoi-kun, can you please read page 36?"

Amane glanced at Akane as he read the book, then returned staring back at the window.
He knew it was going to rain after class, thanks to his phone.

He wouldn't have known that if Tsukasa didn't come into his room this morning.


"Amane... What's all this ruckus? Mom's complaining you-"


"Amane! Your room is a mess...! Were you about to throw your phone?! At least give it to me!!?"


Classic Tsukasa.

"Amane Yugi-kun, if you can answer just this one question I won't bother you again in this class." The teacher announced.

Amane continued to look towards the window.

He didn't even flinch.
He didn't even glance.

The teacher sighed.

"I guess there's no getting you out from your thoughts..." The teacher mumbled to himself.

"Get better, Yugi."


Expect Rain Around 5 PM today

'And the time today is...'

'12 PM...'


Five hours left before it rains I guess.

I always looked forward to lunchtime when Yashiro-chan was around, but... Somehow not today.

Maybe it was because she wasn't here, or it was because it was going to rain.

I attached the keychain she gave me to my bag, then remove it just to look at it for no reason at all.

I miss her.

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