7|| Aiko Hayashi

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Yes. Your name is Aiko (First Name) Hayashi (Last Name)
Before we start the story, here is things about Aiko A.K.A, YOU, my dear reader. :)

-Always curious
-Loves to bring people together
- Second Year Transferee from your old school to Kamome Gakuen
Transferee means a student that transferred from another school to another.
-Light brownish hair, peach eyes, one inch taller than Aoi (female)
-No music no motivation
-Most likely to creat a video-game club at school
-May sound offensive but is really just pointing out some 100% true facts
-Multi tasks
-Carries way too many books at a time (like I said, you're impatient)
-Says 'trust me that makes sense' when feels like she doesn't understand what she's even saying

So yeah that's basically things about YOU in this book. I hope it's okay-
Anyways, Enjoy! (This starts with your POV)


Hola soy Dora!

Okay, I'm kidding. I don't even know what that means. It's just trending on the internet right now.

My name is Aiko Hayashi, a freshman Second Year at Kamome Gakuen!


That makes sense, trust me.

I've also been accepted in a friend group called, 'Friendos'! It's my lucky day~
But that's a weird group name isn't it...?

But there was something off about this group.

Not off as in 'creepy' or 'scary' or any other words representing 'scary'

Most of the time, they seem... Sad.

But if there was anyone even sadder in the group, it was a boy named Yugi, Amane.
He had a twin brother named Tsukasa, and you could only find the difference between them by their eyes.

Cool, right?

While Tsukasa-kun was cheerful and clingy and sometimes annoying, Amane-kun was quiet, gloomy and self isolated.

Well, he didn't grab my curiosity until I started classes with him.


"Yugi Amane-kun, please listen to class this time of year..."


"Yugi Amane-kun."

"Yugi-kun, please listen."

"Yugi, just this once, listen to class..."

I thought he was just some bad student who doesn't listen to class, until it was Tsuchigomori-sensei that called him out

"Yugi, it's been a year since that happened."

(Back to the third person POV)

Tsuchigomori sighed.

"You have to move on, Yugi." Tsuchigomori added, closing the book.

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