11. Ballad of the Witch King

Start from the beginning

"Do you want me?"

"Is this about me being a bit more distant? Because you should know by now that the only reason why I do that is because it's very hard for me to control myself."

She let out a breath of relief as the fire inside her turned from raging to cozy. "I'm sorry, I probably come off as insane, but sometimes, I really need to hear these things because... Well, because I've never walked hand in hand with anyone before."

"Alright." He was smirking again, but seemed to realize that it wasn't the time to tease her, because he turned pensive. "Me neither. Not like I do with you."

"Why not?"

"Because you're the only woman I've ever been in love with. And you should know that by now."

She did, but hearing it again quieted the turmoil inside her. She wrapped her arms around him and gave him a tight squeeze. When he held her back, she finally felt like things might not go so badly after all.

"Are you ready to eat?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm actually starving."

He opened the door and helped her down the narrow staircase. The steps seemed to dance beneath her feet, but she did her best to ignore it and keep her pace as steady as possible. It didn't work. Her shoulder rammed against the wall.

"Don't try to walk straight," Cage said. "Feel the rhythm of the ship and try to match that."

"Easy for you to say," she mumbled.

"You'll get the hang of it. It just takes some practice." But he still took her hand and helped her past her room and towards the end of the hallway.

Then, they went down another set of steps, deeper into the ship, and through the first door. The sound of a harmonica greeted them, together with the smell of roast. Kat's stomach grumbled loudly so she was more than grateful for the music.

The room which obviously served as kitchen and mess hall was large. In the corner, there was a black stove with embers still burning inside, together with barrels and crates of what she assumed were supplies. A large dark-wood table, big enough to sit thirty people, took up the center of the room. Two very long benches stretched on the sides of the table, serving as seats.

Harrison sat on one of the crates next to the stove, playing the harmonica. Jinx, Jazz and Trix were all seated on one side of the table, Jinx sitting in Jazz's lap. There were pints on the table as well as half-empty plates and a bowl of fruit. Jazz was tossing grapes towards Trix who managed to catch them in his mouth in the most spectacular manner.

"Throw a cantaloupe next," Jinx said with a laugh.

"You know I'd catch that, too," Trix said, sticking his tongue out at her.

"I'd love to see you catch it with your face."

"How about you catch this?" Jazz asked, placing the next grape between Jinx's lips.

She held it between her teeth, half out, and he reached out to take the rest, effectively locking their lips together. The harmonica music stopped.

"We have guests," Harrison said in a gruff voice.

"Don't let us interrupt," Cage said, finally moving towards the table.

Kat followed, filling a bit uneasy due to the display of affection she'd just witnessed. It was so odd and improper, and even if she was too aware that what she and Cage had been up too outside was much worse, they'd been alone. Jinx and Jazz, whatever the relationship between them was, were not.

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