I put my helmet on and go to the park. I park the bike and hang my helmet on the handle.

I pull out my phone sending a quick hey text to Ray and pulling up the picture of the dog. It's name is Cookie. That's so cute.

I walk all over the park stopping after an hour and I sat down.

"Hey hey are you my human" a tiny voice came from behind me.

What. "Who's there?" And then a little fluffy white puppy jumped on my lap.

"Hey hey Aw your not Lucy but you are very nice and smell good" the puppy spoke. SPOKE?!

"Hey are you cookie?" I pet her and she went crazy licking my hand and face.

"Yes! I'm cookie. Do you know me?" She was wagging her tail and laid on her back for me to rub her tummy.

"I know how to get you home. Let's go" I pick her up and start walking to my bike.

"Wait I smell something" and she barked and ran off.


I groan and run after her. I hear her growling and barking. Now I hear groans and grunts and clashing. Cookie whined. "COOKIE" I run faster to the sounds.

I get there and see a little puff of white fur on the ground crying. I rush to her but something electric hit me. And I fall to the floor. Shit. That hurt like a truck.

I groan and sit up and see a floating woman. What?! I'm going crazy. Maybe I hit my head.

"STOP" some guy ran in front of me with a glowing lightsaber. Star Wars now too? I'm sleeping. This is a dream. I rub my head. Doesn't feel like a dream.

Cookie! I get up, my side hurts. I clutch my right side and limp my way to cookie picking her up in my arms.

"HEY WITCHY OVER HERE" this tan dark raven haired guy shouts. He's built.

"This little human got in the way. I have to deal with her first" she made a hurricane. HURRICANE. And it started pulling me in. Cookie was crying slipping from my arms. I hold her to me tighter.

The witch laughed evilly as the raven hair boy swung his sword hitting her and she fell. A loud groan leaves her lips. "Good luck saving her" she zapped me again. I closed my eyes holding cookie in my arms shielding her from the attack with my body. I don't feel anything as the wind keeps blowing stronger.

I open my eyes and see Ray? With a glowing bubble around me. "Ray?" I manage to whisper out as I feel the pain take over my body. And everything goes black.........


Apparently the witch found out where I was hiding thanks to my amazing cousin. Brady. I'm going to murder him.

I spit off to the side. Her little troll is strong but I'm angry. I grab my sword and swung it hard slashing it along its stomach as blood pooled out. It dropped to its knees trying to swing at me one first time. I jump up slicing his arm off as it took its last breath.

"COOKIE" I heard a girl scream. A human! Here at this time! I groan and run over to the park where the others are.

I see Brady attacking the witch with Simon. They're both skilled in battle. But I am too. "HEY WITCHY OVER HERE" Simon shouts. She has an evil smirk.

I get angrier when I see the witch make a hurricane. Jacinta. She hates my guts. She sees me and growls even louder. "This little human got in the way. I have to deal with her first"

She has a smirk on her face. And throws a blot of lighting to the human girl. Lilly. LILLY. What is she doing here. Why can't she just be safe and not get in the way. A flicking glowing bubble glows around her barely protecting herself. I rush in front of her deflecting another spell.

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