Gay Panic 2: Electric Boogaloo 🌈

Start from the beginning

      After they given me a uniform, more like dressed me themselves while squealing on 'how cute I was', rehearsals were called into session in Lesson Room 1. Looking onto one of the copies for the play, it was apparently called The Senorita in Reminiscence. Slow piano music started to play, letting everyone get into their positions, except for me and Haruhi. Beni assured the both of us would simply fall into place like a perfect puzzle piece, so we went with it. Beni started to recite her lines, "Ah, Marianna and Maria, how many thousands of nights have I prayed that I might see the two of you? How greatly I despised being told that we were from different social classes and the thousands of other obstacles in the way of our love!" Haruhi and I only had one line to repeat, and Haruhi was...very stiff is an underestimate. If I'm doing this shit, I might as well have a bit of fun with it. "Oh, Frederick-sama," We both replied. I took a step forward, really getting into my part for some odd reason I don't want to find out. She gasped and fell back into my arms, letting my kneel and lightly set her down. Her hand reached mine slowly, shaking, "The gunshot wound I just suffered has it in for me..." Haruhi sat down next to me, holding her slightly as well.

      "Marianna...Maria, when you hold me like this, I feel no pain at all. I feel so very peaceful right now," Her smile spread as her eyes slowly started to close. All the girls around us were so emerged, giving all of their attention to us. "You both are my angels," Beni's voice got lower. "The figure of my mother. Your warm gazes envelop me." I was into this as well, not as much as the girls though, but out of the corner of my eye I saw a familiar blond and twin red heads looking at me. It was the club members, watching us with scowls. Is that Haruhi's dad with them?! You know what, fuck it, just keep it up and hope they don't screw up too badly. Coming back into rehearsals, it was time for the...big singing number. Christ, that jet better be fucking heaven when I get it. Glancing out the window again, I can see them starting to freak out when it came to the singing part. Haruhi can't act worth a damn, so if you thought she could sing you might be a bit slow. How they decided to make this work is that we get halves of it; Haruhi the first half, and I take the last half. For her part, she would lip sync, but the girls insisted that I actually sing. By some fucking miracle, Lady Suzuran had someone find an old talent show tape of me singing that was back in Middle school, mind you. If I fuss, the slower this shit goes, so let's just give the minimum.

      "A smile makes time fast. Just the crevice that opened in my heart isn't buried though," I sang. " "Don't cry anymore." Because even when I can't see you, I can hear your voice." As I sang I thought on how easy was for the club to get caught, and I was right since when I looked at them the fan club for the girls were on their way over. Who's the smartest looking through the glass right now? Since I knew Kyoya didn't really care or probably had a plan set in mind, he was out instantly, and Mori wasn't that much help if it didn't involve Honey. That left Tamaki, the twins, and Haruhi's dad. The best I can get was her father, but it ain't saying much. Looking him straight in the eyes, I gently nodded my head to behind him to give me a very small signal. They all just looked at me like I was stupid. For fuck sake...

      They didn't get it in time, and got caught like a bunch of chumps. "What would Kyoya do?" I thought to myself. Rehearsals were soon over and the real thing was about to begin, so it was finally my time to sneak out. I have to do something to actually get the jet, so I guessed that I could possibly get into the control room and have a bit of fun there. While trying to see what my options were with controls over the theater, I ran into one of the staff. She started asking too many questions, so I had to think of something quick. "Oh, I'm actually transferring tomorrow and I was granted a tour of the school," I concluded. I kept a smile that quickly started to falter as she just studied me with her eyes. "She's correct," a voice vouched for me. It was Kyoya, "My friend here informed me that she was transferring and I insisted on visiting the school with her." 

     He came up behind me, putting a hand on my shoulder. This was the thing that convinced the woman, leading us right to the main operations area for the theater. As he talked with the woman, I looked down onto the seating area and saw the boys looking up at us with dejected looks. In spite, I smirked and shrugged. "We have the latest in digital equipment," She explained as she pushed a button. "If there are any photos or other images, we can put them up as is on that digital screen and use it as the backdrop for the stage." Kyoya and I looked over to each other, smiling as we both got the same idea. As I guessed correctly, Kyoya handled distracting the woman. While that happened, I sighed and stretched, "This is a fucking nightmare for me. I mean, look what they got me wearing! I wouldn't mind going to this school with those...very attractive girls, but they're truly suffocating ." "You never did like skirts..." He commented. That was a fact right there. Nodding, I kept going, "I mean, look at this! My thighs are so fucking big, this shirt doesn't cover my fucking stomach, the skirt isn't long enough, and in general my body should be completely covered." He was hearing all this and each thing I listed was like a little sting to his heart. When I stopped talking, he looked over and quickly back to the starting show. "You look fine, Rose," He said. I didn't say anything, and that made him think on that answer even more. Taking my hand, weaving our fingers together, he made me look at him. "You look wonderful in that skirt, Rose. Beside, bigger thighs are very attractive." I blushed a bit, but actually realized what he said. "Hold on," I smiled. "Don't tell me you into a little meat on the bones, Mr. Ootori.~" He didn't answer, so I just went the extra and grab his arm to lean on him. It felt nice to be like this. "Waiting for it to get interesting?" "Why, what else would I be doing, my dear?~"

      The curtains rose, revealing in spotlight Haruhi in a big pink dress. She was....looking like a damn fool in all that make up! I'm glad I got away when I could from the looks of it. It went on for what seems like forever, I even caught myself being swept away with Beni's charms a few times. Curse my gayness for woman with short hair and top energy! The feeling was soon changing very quickly coming up to the kiss scene, from being contained in the play to some kind of passive aggressive manner I would put on. Lights were drowning the club who were hiding by the side lines, blending in no longer being an option. The audience screamed and shouted for the kiss not to happen, as well as the club trying to get to them and separate the two. Things were quickly going up, "I guess you're using the backdrop." Kyoya looked to me, "And I guess you have the photo I need." With a grin, we easily shown the picture of her having her first kiss at that dance party all the way back at the beginning of the season. To be honest, the rest was absolute chaos and I just wanted to get home. "You wanna eat some food?" I asked Kyoya. He agreed and we left to order some food. We ate at my house, enjoying some time with Savannah and Dayna in the process. "Do we have to be worried about the guys?" Savannah asked. "They're fine," Me and Kyoya answered at the same time.         


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