"No problem. I hope you're feeling okay" I bend down grabbing the fallen books. He kneels down and helps me.

"I'm Raymond but you can call me Ray. I think we have calc together" we stand as I start placing the books back on the shelf.

"I'm Lilly, and we might have calc. I usually sit in the back ignoring whatever Mr. Jones is saying" I laugh as I grab a book from his pile putting them away.

"Yea, Mr. Jones knows how to put me to sleep" he chuckles

I laugh lightly as his joke and finished putting the books away. "I gotta get going. But maybe I'll see you around again"

"Sure....I'll see you around" I smiled and he left.

I went back to work and once it was 9:15 I helped lock up and made my way home.

I cooked pasta and chicken for dinner and helped Susie with some of her homework.

Finally time for bed. I showered and got into my pjs and wrapped myself in my blanket.


It's dark. I'm at that same place again. It's a forest and theres a lullaby playing.

"Shadow may be dark
But it's full of life
Beware of what embarks
In the land of light"

What. I heard screams. I run towards the screams. I see people being attacked but I can't see what is attacking them. I try to help but no one can see me.


What's that.



Ugh. I snooze my alarm and rub my eyes. Another day at school.


It's been a week since I met Raymond and he's been coming in everyday reading.

Today is Friday. Yay! No school for the weekend. Ray is doing calc and asked me for some help.

"Wait so what?" He asks

I laugh "here. You did it right up until here" I point to the miscalculation where he put the decimal in the wrong spot after dividing. "But other than that you got it right. Just a simple mistake" I give him a smile

He groans "thanks.....believe or not I never really liked math"

I stand up. "If you ever need help you can ask I actually like math....but I have to get going. You know books to shelf"

He closed his book standing up. "That was my last question anyways. I'll help you" he grabbed a pile of books that was on the table.

"You don't have to........" i start pushing the full cart down the aisle.

"I don't have to, but I want to help" he smiled grabbing a book putting it away.

"Well thanks.......but it's Friday don't you have a party or something to do"

He chuckles shaking his head. "Nope. No parties.....just days full of books" he wiggled the book in his hand

I gave him a smile and we chatted about school while putting the books away. I look at Ray, he's built like someone who works out often, he's tall, 6'3 at least. His dirty brown hair and brown eyes suit his cutesy boy next door vibe.

"So where are you from?" He asks while pushing the cart into the next aisle.

"Everywhere really. I've moved around a lot."

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