03 " Prepare for new🍂

261 20 4

Only two weeks for the due date.....😍

"Omg mamaaa! I'm soooo excited like I'm gonna do the labour."

Jimin yelled through the throat scoffing a bit while others cracked up for his words.

All of them are sitting in the garden which filled with soft fragrances and bloomed flowers, buds & etc.

Look at this sprouts of Sakura plant.
I'm pretty sure this flora will make more beautiful flowers in future."
Jin touched it's prouts soo softly like thinking the plant got hurt from him.

"Omg... I've a checkup today which is the last before the labour.
Hey! Honey let's get ready, hurry!!"

Their mommy got up from the bench holding the baby bump securely,

I want kisses from my big babies, who're gonna give me one."

All of them shared kisses and hugs together but they will never think that those are the laast kisses and hugs.

After half an hour their mom and dad leave for the check up while the brothers having little chit chat sipping their ice coffee with muffins.

"Joon hyung what is the most painful thing in the world?"

Jimin asked from big brain namjoon who's reading a Sherlock Holmes, laying his head on hobi's lap while hobi intertwining his fingers with the puffy hair of younger.

Generally Giving birth is the worst pain in the world. When the women having contractions, the baby came through the birth path, and the time baby's head out almost but not fully are the worst pains in the world.
Men can never going through this far Jimin.

The second worst pain that we could feel is when brake down the bones.

(Don't forget to say I love you to your parents. not only mother's, father's day but also everyday. I never share "I love you mom dad' posts on social media.
We should love our parents but not for impress others. They're the best. ❤)

But suddenly the conversation cut off by Jin,

"W-whatttt? N-noo!
It ca-can't be h-happen..plssss.. N-no"

Jin dropped the phone,
the tears flowing continuously through his cheeks while his whole body is shivering like hell.

"Hyung what?
What's wrong? Everything is ok..right? "

Yoongi questioned but only Jin did is shaking his head nonstop.

"H-hyung pls don't scared us for God's sake. Wha-t---"

"Our p-parents had an accident 20 minutes a-ago. A-and They're in ICU in n-nearby hospital.
The-y said that both o-of their lives in danger and even the baby's"

Jin eventually confessed making others eyes widen in a shock soon bursted in tears.

I did nothing.. ok?
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𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚅𝚎𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎.  (TK°×BTS)Where stories live. Discover now