Oh Dream~ { Chapter 14 }

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{ Ash POV }

{ Fighting, Yelling, Excessive Cussing, Murder, Mention of Past Trauma }

It had been a week since the whole incident with Jayme, turns out someone filmed the fight. It spread all over twitter, now people think I'm a dick. I explained what happend on twitter, people understood, but didn't think what i did was right. I understood, but now was lore time. I was excited for this part of the lore aswell. Since i wrote my own script, i already knew all the lines. Chat was flooding with people, i had facecam on today aswell. I had my full facemask on today. I could somewhat see through the little slits in the mask. It was a big mask that went from my forehead to my chin, it was a replica of my one from the lore. It had scratches and cracks, but they were different from the lore. It was all black with a big red 'X' in the middle. I was already logged into minecraft, i was gonna be playing as my ghost character for a bit, then i was gonna somehow revive myself and do some cool shit. I smiled under the mask, and got into the VC.

{ Minecraft }

{ Ghosh POV }

I spawned in my house, i had been for the past week. I was already angry. From what i knew, i was a vengeful ghost. I had already taken some of Hydr4's lives, it was fun. I heard screaming, my ears perked up. I heard maniacal laughing, it sounded like Dream. I looked down at my hands, i saw myself disappearing. My eyes widened, i then smiled. I knew what was about to happen.

{ Ash POV }

I was pacing around the floor, looking at the endless black floor. Wilbur and Schlatt were talking, they seemed to be getting along somewhat. I stopped as i felt something happen, i knew it was with Tommy. My eyes widened as i heard Dream laughing and Tommy whimpering, i knew it was happening right now but i just couldn't see it. I ran over to Mumza, "Mumza, you need to let me back to the over world." I said frantically. "What? Why?" I took a breath, "Your son is about to be killed by Dream, and I'm the only one who knows how to kill Dream the right way." Mumza's eyes widened. She handed me some armor, my armor, and i started to disappear from the endless void. I hugged Mumza one last time, whispering an 'I love you' to her before i was back in the overworld. I put on all my armor quickly, and started to run over to where the laughing was. I pulled out my axe and i neared the sound. It was harder to run there though, i couldn't see as well as i did before i died.

"There's no one here to protect you now, Tommy! Your alone, you look so pitiful." Dream laughed. Dream had Tommy backed up against a wall, holding an axe. Tommy looked so scared, i was fucking pissed. I slid in between the two, cutting off Dream from Tommy. I furrowed my eyebrows, and looked Dream in the eyes. Dreams smile faded quickly, all the color draining from his face. I pulled my mask up slightly, revealing my mouth. I smiled slightly, and pulled the mask back down. I pulled the axe over my shoulder, staring Dream down. My wings flapped out, covering Tommy, but not enough to go to their full wingspan. I stepped towards Dream, he stepped back. I laughed like a psychopath, unclipping my mask off completely. I clipped it to my belt, Dream mumbled something. "What was that?" Dream seemed to gain some courage, "I thought i killed you." I smiled, "Oh, you did. But you obviously didn't kill me with all the strength you had, which is very little." I said and then smiled.

 Dream looked angry at that one. He swung his axe at me, but i caught it with my hand. His face swiftly changed from anger to fear. I smiled, "It's not gonna be that easy this time, Dreamy boy." I giggled, i was fucking livid, but also happy because i knew he was terrified. Dream retracted the axe, stepping back a few steps. I laughed and stepped towards him, "Y'know Dream, this reminds me of something.. Oh yeah! When you tried to kill me when we were younger! Yet, you failed. You failed because your weak, you just want to seem stronger to everyone so no one dares to fuck with you. But thats different with me, Dream. I'm not afraid of you like everyone else is. It's okay, because your legacy is gonna be short-lived. This is for everything you've done to me." I smiled giddily, and sliced my axe through his stomach. 

Dream was killed by Drag0nScal3s86

I smiled, and turned around to Tommy. He looked happy, scared and confused all in one. I laughed, "How am i alive? I just am, Tommy. Why is Dream afraid of me? The same reason you are, because I'm scary and could kill everyone here, and some other reasons." I smiled at Tommy, i opened my inventory. I saw a note, i grabbed it. It was for Tommy. I smiled sadly, i knew it was from Mumza. I walked over to Tommy, "Here." I passed him the note, i think it's a letter. I shook my head, Don't be nosy Ash. Tommy grabbed it from my hand, his hand brushed over mine softly. i blushed slightly, but shook it out of my head quickly. Tommy opened it and started reading, this was my perfect time to run.

 I took all of Dreams stuff, and ran to my secret base. I ran up on a mountain and jumped off, i started flapping my wings. I flew into the woods, where i knew my base was. I landed safely on the ground, before flicking a leaver on the ground. it dropped me to an empty room, i flicked the leaver back, closing the ground up. I broke two blocks behind me, and flicked another leaver, dropping me down a ladder. i flicked the leaver from the bottom side, closing the opening from the top. i put everything in my chest room, taking Nightmare, Dreams bow, and putting it in my ender chest. I hadn't looked at myself in the mirror yet, so I walked into the bathroom. I looked at myself, my eyes widened. My left eye was blind, and my right had changed from forest green to dark red. On the left side of my body was burn marks. I smiled, and chuckled lowly.

 I looked fucking badass. 


Double chapter day whatttt? Thanks for 100 views! Hope you enjoyed! :]

{ Word Count : 1133 }

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