Chapter 3

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'It is normal for people to have the traits of their parents' Izuku walked aimlessly enjoying the feeling of the place

It was silent enough for him to think yet also active enough for him to observe the environment without growing bored, right now he was staring at 3 mutants, One was the father who had scales and a slitted eye, other was the mother who had wings, and between was a teen girl who had both the features of both her parents joking as they walked past him,

'What makes me different? All the traits I have aren't mine ' Izuku thought, he had already unknowingly made his way towards the lesser populated parts of the city.

The next thing he knew he dodged an attack from a little yet very sharp dagger the attack was silent and precise if his senses weren't boosted many times over he would have been stabbed, and the attacker

walked out of the shadows and it was Himiko Toga, licking the blood off her blade, Izuku was shocked when he looked down and saw his chest was cut, "Hi! I'm Himiko Toga, your blood tastes good, can we be friends?" She walked towards him not showing any signs of attacking till she was in front of him.

"Can I stab you?" She seemed to be in ecstasy from the thought of it, just as she was about to stab him again Izuku grinned and his fangs were noticeably growing bigger than hers.

"Half-baked vampire" Izuku bit her neck it's been a while since he bit a vampire in shock she dropped the knife the feeling was different, she liked it her breathing became ragged.

Izuku regained his senses after a while his injuries already healed but he continued surprised she didn't even complain when he stopped she fell limp in his arms still keeping a satisfied smile she looked up and stared into his eyes biting her lower lip she said "Let's do this another time, At least I died to a fellow demon like me" but her eyes slowly closed, Izuku knew she was dying because he couldn't stop his urges, he sighed then stabbed his wrist and brought it to her mouth, Her once weak body gained enough energy to tightly grip his a wrist as she sucked it, her eyes turning into a dark shade of black.

Time skip
Hell Sing corp's

Izuku carried Himiko Toga to Integra's office, placing her on a chair and asking for her help in taking care of Toga, he didn't feel he was responsible enough to keep her around yet, if he were still in the corporation he would need a formal letter just to talk to her, never the less she agreed but he had to visit at least once a week, to which Izuku secretly enjoyed.

"Thanks, Integra" Izuku walked into a wall and left without sparing a glance at Toga "She'll be fine, now what to do for the rest of the three weeks I have left" Izuku walked out of the shadows close to the beach.

"I know these powers are great and all but on regular days I can't even muster up to 50% of the real power which is a big progress considering I could only use the powers on specific days previous, Alucard's and Meliodas's power came easy since I had an affinity with the dark power they possessed" Izuku suddenly started walking into the forests, "But still I am nowhere near their level, I wonder if more would come."

As he entered the forest he already made it his goal to survive on nothing but what he had on him currently, leaving himself in the wilderness he'd have to escape Wild superpowered beasts and still try to gain his strength.

Three weeks later.

Over the period Izuku's focus was mainly on his physical attributes, he had memories that didn't necessarily belong to him so he knew how to use his powers but he couldn't use them on his own without destroying his body in a way.

He was hunted by wild super beasts that even some heroes couldn't face during that time he not only had to dodge heroes and kill beasts he also avoided villains who had their base in the wilderness, and the clothes he went in with were also destroyed leaving him shirtless with rags, that might give heroes the bad idea if they saw him; to get home Izuku avoided heroes and the public as he jumped from rooftop to rooftop with his newly acquired speed and agility performing certain aerobic movement that increased his speed to the max making him nothing but a blur leaving dozen after images behind him.

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