Chapter One: Cheater

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I woke up after having a dream about Klaus I said softly that's the second one this week! I got up went to the bathroom I brushed my teeth got in the shower for 20 minutes I walked in my room after wrapping a towel around me I got dressed in a pink shirt and pink shorts then pink Nike shoes I put my hair in a messy bun I walked downstairs I grabbed my keys I walked out of the house after locking the doors

at the Mystic Grill
I walked in the Mystic Grill I saw Matt handing Klaus a drink I sat next to Klaus I said firmly hi Matt can you get me a beer please? Matt said "yes I can Caroline" then he handed me a beer Klaus said concerned "what's wrong love" I said smiling and facing him nothing just had a hard yesterday facing me today but I'm fine anyways why are you talking to me you threatened my friends time and time again he said hurt "I am sorry for that just don't tell them that" I said happy of course not then Hayley came dressed in a white strapless dress

she said seriously "Caroline can we talk?" I said smiling yes sure I got up and followed Hayley she went to the table away from everyone she said feeling bad "I have something to tell you about me and Tyler" I said confused what? she said sadly "I'm so sorry I had 9 drinks I went to Tyler's house he was angry about something then he kissed me and we had sex I feel terrible"

I said tearful when did this happen she said feeling bad "last night" I said sadly really I have to go I started crying then I got up and left I drove home I got in my bed I cried then suddenly I heard Klaus saying softly "love are you ok I'm sorry Tyler cheated on you I will kill him if you want" I said sadly wiping my tears no Klaus it's ok don't kill him I'll break up with him tomorrow morning but then I'm going to do something I never expected to do take your advice and no not about that or that as he was about to open his mouth I said knowingly not that either Klaus he chuckled and pulled me into a hug tightly suprisely

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