chapter 27

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POV: 3rd person
"You think he will be okay?" Knuckles asked as Shadow was about to open the door to let Sonic out.

"I will have my eye on him all time." Shadow pushed the door open and walked out. Sonic peeped his head out. He lost all his confidence and looked around cautiously.

The ebony hedgehog took a few steps forward and Sonic quickly followed. He climbed onto the other's back and observed the building beyond the door.

"Why don't you chaos control to your house? That's less of a risk." Espio pointed out.

"It's a possibility. But I'm afraid it will scare him." Shadow said. "So we're walking the way there."

"Should we come along? To keep an eye on him just to be sure." Knuckles suggested.

Shadow thought about it. Having the pack would be better for Sonic, he would feel safer going through new territory. So the ebony hedgehog nodded. "You can come along."

"It will be okay, Blue." Rouge patted Sonic whose gaze was going everywhere.

They had to get out of GUN first, and Sonic did not like that. He was tense. Shadow could tell by how Sonic was holding onto him. The blue hedgehog had his quills up and was baring his teeth whenever they passed a human. He was utterly terrified of them.

Fortunately GUN didn't lay in the city so they didn't have to walk through streets filled with humans and mobians. Instead it would be a walk through nature.

Sonic was looking at the sky and the grass. After some time, he moved off Shadow's back. Everyone kept an eye on him in case he ran off. But the blue hedgehog was feeling the grass before trying to stand on his legs instead of all fours.

It had been a long time since his legs had been used that way. There was some cracking as he stood. But he was standing and tried to take some steps. Rouge and Espio supported him as he was a bit wobbly.

His tail was wagging since they were cheering him on. He may not understand their words yet, but the tone of their voices says enough.

Though after having made some distance, he pulled back and got low again. He moved over to Shadow and climbed on his back. The ebony hedgehog let him and carried him the last bit.

Once there, Shadow opened the door and Sonic went over off his back, following him inside. The others of the formed packed said their temporary goodbyes to Sonic before they returned to GUN HQ.

"You should be safe here." Shadow spoke as he watched Sonic go around. He was once again walking on his two legs.

The ebony hedgehog sat down on the sofa and let Sonic go off on his own. The blue hedgehog returned after a little and jumped on the couch after checking it out. He curled close to Shadow. "You just have to get used."


POV: Shadow
Sonic was adapting better than I could have hoped for. He only needed a day and after that he was noticeably less tense.

He would still stay close to me. And follow me if I moved places. I couldn't get him to sleep in a room by himself. I tried, but he always ended up with me in my bed or under the bed.

He still burrowed a lot but that was part of instincts. He was walking on his legs almost fulltime now. Only when needing to be quick did he move on all fours.

"Nragh!" Sonic was making noises at the tv. One moment he liked it, the next he would hate it.

"What even is that noise?"

At times I wondered how I became to be his caretaker. I was stuck with him now, and most likely would still be when he gets better. Cause even if his old character came back, he would still be bonded to me. Dumping him after this would be impossible.

At times I regret having put myself into this. But what Rouge had said was true, Sonic would do the same for me without a second thought. This time I thought I should have his back for once, as he always has mine. And if I hadn't, he would have been dead by now.

Still, now that he was out of danger I had thought about giving him to Tails, or Knuckles, or Espio, or Rouge, just anyone. But in the end he stayed with me. And he will stay with me till he is back to his old self.

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