chapter 13

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POV: 3rd person
"Why did I even get you saved? The hero will always stay good apparently." Donovan said angrily while Sonic was still coming by from the virus. "You are useless to me. I will throw you to the mutants and have them tear you apart. I will dump what will be left of you."

By now Sonic had slowly figured out how things worked between Donovan and the mutants. The human injected himself with some kind of serum which gave him control of the mutated mobians. But it caused his eye to bleed and it had caused permanent damage to his eye. His iris had turned blood red and the sclera was black instead of white. It wasn't noticeable since his right eye was hidden behind his hair.

Donovan picked Sonic up by the scruff and dragged him to the enclosure he kept the mutants in when he didn't have any control over them. He had injected the serum into himself but controlling the entire hord of mutants was too much of an effort.

If Donovan doesn't control the mutants, they are hostile and will kill anything in sight. So the human will simply throw the blue hedgehog in and deal with what's left of the hero later. "Meet your end, labrat." Donovan opened the door. He threw Sonic into the enclosure and locked him in.

The mutated mobians growled and snarled at the blue hedgehog who pressed himself up against the wall. He knew there was no escaping the mutants. He flinched and shut his eyes as they roared and approached him. He hoped for a quick death.

As he cowered, he felt the hot breath of a mutant against his face. He didn't open his eyes to see his upcoming death. This wasn't like him at all. He would have fought them off but he was nothing as long as the drug was in his system. He isn't one to cower, at all. But he knew his death was near, very near.

Sonic shuddered as something slimy was pressed against his cheek. He opened one eye and saw that the mutant closest to him was licking his muzzle.

Mutants are killers but they don't kill everyone, not the ones they are interested in. Scientists were figuring out how this interest worked, but the lab went up in flames before they could figure it out. They did know that whatever made them interested, they wanted to breed with, no matter the gender.

Now Donovan didn't want this with his mutant so when injecting them with the virus, he cut their members to solve the problem. That didn't solve the problem since they still seemed interested in the blue hedgehog.

Sonic whimpered as more tongues licked him. This is not how he had pictured his end would be. He imaged teeth instead of tongues. "Do not-!" Sonic kicked away a tongue that was going south. No one is allowed to go there. The kicking wasn't liked and they snarled. Sonic was pinned onto his stomach as the hive tried to get a taste of him.

Mutants did a lot with their tongue since their other senses lacked behind. And now that they could no longer mate, they found a way to use their tongue.

Sonic whimpered as a tongue wandered between his legs, licking an area that no one else had touched before. Another tongue licked his tail before going into the blue hedgehog's entrance. Sonic shifted in discomfort. Though, it felt good in a way. As the tongue went in further, Sonic couldn't help but moan. He shut his eyes and blushed as his ears were licked as well.

"Mhmm.. Mmh~" The blue hedgehog was stuck between whimpering and moaning. He didn't want to like this but the treatment to his rectum was stimulating him. His member came out and it was licked by multiple tongues. "Hm- Aah~" Sonic moaned and clenched and fists. Another tongue joined the one in his behind and went deeper.

Sonic shuddered in pleasure. He panted. He had never had been sexually treated by another and all of this was a lot for the first time that wasn't his hand. Sonic soon came and then the mutants found it enough as well.

The blue hedgehog curled as they moved away and raised his quills. He still thought they were going to kill him but that didn't happen.

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