chapter 14

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POV: 3rd person
Team Dark was sent out to go to the burned-down headquarters of the Supplement Virus Corporation.

"Careful. Any wrong step and the place could collapse." Shadow warned the team. The building was in a bad shape. At least the corpses had been cleaned out.

The ebony hedgehog had his gun at the ready as they walked into the building. It was quiet, too quiet. But the building didn't show any signs of having been used for many years.

"It doesn't seem like this place can be used any longer." Shadow pointed out, looking around the place.

"The lab goes deeper. We are not turning back till we have seen all of the building." Rouge said. She did not want to miss anything. She was worried about her friends who were captured.

"If there were infected, shouldn't we hear them by now?" Shadow questioned but moved further. He noticed an open door up ahead. He signed to the other two to stay behind. He sneaked up to the doorway, pressing himself against the wall.

He jumped in and pointed into the empty room. He gave the team the clear sign before going in. He saw some computers which were mostly burned. "Omega." He called the robot over. "Try to connect." He ordered.

A hatch on Omega opened and the robot pulled out a cord which he plugged into the computer. "Hardware severely damaged." It spoke.

"Download whatever is on there." Shadow said. It could be useful information. The robot downloaded what he could and sent it to GUN's system.

The team continued their way through the headquarters but found nothing. They returned to their base in defeat. When they got there, they got a copy of their findings to look over.

What they had found was of interest. They had found logs that described the different viruses S.V. had created.


F(failure)-virus /original name Solidify Virus/
Once the deceased is injected with the virus through the brain. It takes three days up to one week for the body to reanimate. The virus causes brain damage this result in the being becoming mindless and doesn't do anything but live. This is not referred to as living, but being undead.
The virus stays in the host and does not spread by itself.
Only works if the being is already deceased. It is not effective on a living being.

Wrath Virus
Once injected the virus works its way up through the spine to the gland in the brain. The virus may cause violent convulsions in the body just before the gland bursts, killing the being. The virus then resides inside the brain, making reanimation of the body possible.
This virus is very contagious. A scratch or bite from an infected being is enough for the virus to pass over.
The virus causes little brain damage. It leaves the being unconscious of itself and follows the instincts of a predator, seeing as we are complex predator with a conscious. Take the conscious away and a predator is left behind.

Anti-A Virus
The Anti-A Virus is created to treat the ones infected with the Wrath Virus.
It behaves differently depending on the state of the patient.
A being who has just been infected and hasn't turned yet will be cleaned of the Wrath Virus once the anti-virus is injected.
A being who has turned into a Wrath can not be saved, even with the anti-virus. The Anti-A Virus does kill the Wrath Virus. It leaves the patient undead without any instincts or consciousness. It stays undead.

M/H-virus /mutation virus/
Once injected, the virus clones and spread throughout the body. It infects every cell which starts a mutation. It creates a highly aggressive being, an apex predator.
Bones grow in lengths. Limbs grow to 1.5x times the size it was before. Not all bones grow equally as much.
Fur falls out. There is no fur left on the being and skin falls off around the hands, mostly fingers, and joints.
Facial deformation. The bones in the muzzle grow out to form a snout. The skull ends up without flesh and little muscles.
Bones tear through flesh. The rib cage and tailbone tear through flesh.
Organ loss. The being only needs food and organ functions chance. Infected seem to have lost their intestines, liver, and kidneys. The only organs functional are the brain, heart, lungs, and stomach.
The beings have a consciousness of some sort. They don't have a character but do live. Their species are linked, creating a network.
The pack of these creatures is called the Hive, while an individual is called a Mutant.


The two agents were surprised by what they read. Shadow had underestimated their opponent by a lot. And now he saw the importance of finding the culprit as quickly as they could.

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