"He's very sweet. Killian was right." Megan smiled affectionately while changing Rosa's nappy.

"Sweetheart... stop moving. Mama can't change you if you keep moving like that." She babytalked, tugging the lively bouncy toddler lower as she tried to crawl away to make her escape.

It brought a crinkle of amusement to his sapphire eyes as he realised Megan had changed to a rather higher and more musical rhythm tone. After a full thirty minutes that seemed like two hours, Rosa grew weary and it made it easier for Megan to change her nappy and rubbed baby oil. She carefully cradled Rosa in her arms and patted her bottom, coaxing her to sleep.

Carried away, Xavier strolled to her behind, towering her, he wrapped both arms around her and helped her cradle Rosa together. His sudden affection squeezed a gasp out of Megan as she tried to swirl to face him but he stopped her.

"Shh bella... You'll wake her." He whispered intimately into her ear. She bit back another gasp as his breath on her ear sent delicious tingly sensation from her brain to her spine. Her back pressed against his solid chest.

"You..." she stammered. "You should go to bed. You must be tired. I'll tuck her in and call it a night too." She tried to free themselves from him but his grasp only hardened.

"Then tuck her in now. She's sound asleep." Xavier ordered in a low voice.

"I will but you have to let go. I can't tuck her in if you cling onto me like that."

He chuckled softly into her ear. "Fine."

He pulled away and took a few step backwards and watched Megan swaddle their little daughter tightly and set her down in the crib tenderly.

Megan whirled, ignoring Xavier and ambled to the daybed next to the crib. Her heart was starting to flutter as she felt Xavier's intense gaze on her. She sat on the daybed, getting ready to recline herself.

"What are you doing?" Xavier frowned.

She avoided his gaze, giving him a half smile. "Uhmm. I'm going to sleep now."

"Uh-oh... Not here." He shook his head and scooped her up.

She whisper-shouted. "What are you-"

"Shh!" He nudged and nodded his head at Rosa's direction, warning her not to wake their daughter up. She threw him a sullen glare and kept her mouth shut.

He carried her to their bedroom and smirked his most pronounced smirk.

"How many times do I have to carry you to our bedroom?" He said and laid her down on the bed.

"I didn't ask you to." She crossed her arms, her legs sprawled.

He let his eyes raked her, devouring her beauty.

"You've been gone for so long and I almost forgot how beautiful you are cara mia(my dear)."

He joined her on the bed and brought his lips down on hers and held them there, breathing in the heady sweetness of her breath. He waited for a heartbeat, half expecting her to resist. Yet she did not. Her hands rose up and wrapped around his neck, and she swayed into him willingly.

It was the sign he had been waiting for.

He deepened the kiss, and it became more demanding and needy. He had been dying to hold her again.

She tasted the richness of his lips and tongue, the darker flavour of his desire. His grinding need against her belly. In a trice, he had stripped her bare, not breaking the kiss. She heard the mutter of appreciation as he kissed her, his groan of reluctance as he pulled away.

"Stay there." He ordered, sealing his command with another kiss.

In one swift moment, he removed his buttoned-up shirt and tossed it to the floor. Not taking his eyes off her, he hurriedly divested himself of his trousers and underwear until he was standing naked before her with an erection that ached more than any he had ever known.

Megan licked her lower lips as she admired the darkly handsome man. His hands ran down her naked body possessively and he claimed her mouth once again, determined to kiss and taste every last inch of her. The roaming of his hands came to a stop when he touched the palpable scar on her lower abdomen, a sign that she had carried a child—his child—inside her. He pulled away and stared at the scar, his face indecipherable.

"Tesoro..." he drawled, wanting her to explain.

"I had complication during the birth. I was in labor for 20 hours and she wasn't coming out." She smiled weakly.

20 hours of labor... how painful had it been for her?

He kissed the scar reverently, fighting back an unexpected burn in the backs of his eyelids that threatened to break out when he thought of her going through pregnancy and birth alone.

He should have looked for her harder. He should have found her sooner.

Author's Note—
I've been doing research and learning so much about mafia these days. It's definitely a scary world out there. :/

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