I looked at the men thinking over what i could say "Uhm... I" i started but stopped and all the eyes were on me now, "I could stay the night with him?" I said with a mumble.

I mentally slapped myself in the face, why would you want to stay with this crazy man!? Ughh im so stupid.
One of the men left for a moment then he came back said something to the other guy and then they looked at me.

"We are going to allow you to stay in here for the night" one said and i felt my heart dropped, i wanted them to refuse! DAMNIT!!

I rolled my 'eyes'
"Okay" i mumbled and the two men stood up "Tord you better not hurt him or we will take your visiting privileges away" one of them said, i could feel Tord start to nod "Okay!" He said happily.

The two men left and i watched as they did, i felt Tord stand up but before I could do anything he picked me up bridal style and walked over to one of the corners and he sat down placing me in his lap.

I felt my face heat up, god what is he doing!? This is our first time meeting, does he not know what personal space is!?

"S-so are we going to sleep?" I asked noticing that I stuttered when I spoke.
"okay" Tord said and i felt at chil run down my spine, i didn't realize his face was right by mine.
I felt Tord shift around before he made me move around, i was laid down on the floor and I felt him grab my chest and one of his legs were in between mine, i felt my face heat up as i felt Tords warm breath on my neck,
i felt a shiver go down my spine, as i felt his warm breath "uhm... Goodnight" I mumbled and i felt Tord nod..

༺--sometime at night--༻
I woke up, I dont know what from but I felt Tord still clinging onto me and I rolled my 'eyes' and tried to look around but I couldn't see anything because of how dark it was, I sighed and felt Tord shift around "Tord?" I mumbled "yes..?" He responded.

Crap did i wake him up? "S-sorry if I woke you.." i mumbled but he didn't respond he just grabbed me and pulled me closer to him, i laid there and grabbed onto his arms letting myself relax into his body

༺----in the morning----༻

I woke up to the bright lights,i yawned and tried to stretch but because of the way Tord was holding me i couldn't really so i just laid there in his arms,
i felt him move around so I spoke."Tord.. i have to go now.." I mumbled and felt Tord let me go as he sat up and i sat up as well stretched and looked at Tord and his smile was gone but he nodded as he looked down and he started to fiddle with his fingers, "uhm, I'll be back later tho!" I said and Tords head went up and he smiled and nodded again clapping his hands like a child.

Tord was put back in his straight jacket and Tom was taken out, once I left the cell I could hear Tord screaming which made me flinch.

I was sent back into my room at this point i had missed both breakfast and dinner, they did give me some food but so that was nice.
I was just going over what had happened when i was with Tord.. I can't find the words to describe him, he crazy but everyone here is but hes just like crazy insane? I dont really want to meet him again...

༺----Free time----༻
I walked to the arts room and sat down next to Edd, i felt both Edd and Matt look at me as i put my head down, i felt one of them tap my shoulder "hm?" I looked up "Tom? You okay!? We were worried when you didn't go to dinner or breakfast!" Edd said as he hugged me and i hugged back, "i had to meet someone.." i mumbled as i let go then i sat back down and put my head back down...

I felt Matt and Edd look at me for long periods of time, i understood it wasn't like me to not be drawing so they could tell something was wrong tho i don't think they wanted to pry, i looked up and looked around then at Matt and Edd, I then realized that i would be going back to see Tord after lunch, or thats what the two men said to me.

I put my head back down after i realized this.,
I didn't want to see him again! He was creepy and just scarily strong... Tho sleeping with him was quite nice... Wait what? Nononononono nope! I didn't just think that that hahah. Shit...

Okay yes it was a nice sleep, Tord was just really warm and i sorta liked the way he nuzzled his head into my neck... But he's dangerous! But I also felt safe around him.
Ughh.. now i do wanna see him and give him a hug and just never let go of him...

I looked up once again and saw Edd's face he looked at me and looked worried "Tom, your face is red!" He said as he put a hand up to my forehead, "Ah! Tom your really warm!!" He said moving his hand away"should we take you to the nurse?" Matt asked and i shook my head "haha im fine!" I said trying to get the image of Tord out of my mind "i just need to go to the bathroom... One second" i said quickly and stood up walking out of the room and to the bathroom grabbing my head, i walked into the bathroom still holding my head and i looked into the mirror seeing that my face was a bit red "ughh" i turned on the water and splashed some on my face..."stupid stupid! Stop thinking about him!!"

I need to see him again.. i want to.. the bell rang i rolled my eyes and went to my room sitting down on my bed and just thinking about... Yeah Tord heh...


Hhhh another chapter done:0 hope you liked it <3

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