Chapter 28

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The only reason you even have that seat is because of your father! It doesn't matter anyway, you don't deserve that seat! You're nothing more than a demon! An illegitimate child from some whore that the Yondaime fucked, and got pregnant! I bet you that…"

Continue from the previous part :

The woman's words broke in her throat as the air around the room dropped nearly 60 degrees in temperature, the people in the room actually began to clatter their teeth together as the cold seeped in. accompanying this was an absolutely dreadful feeling, it was not like an intense blast of Killing intent. No it was far more subtle than that, too many it felt as if the Shinigami himself had entered the room and death was touching them. The source of this feeling was none other than Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze Senju, who was looking at the now freezing Mebuki Haruno with a deceptively calm face.

" Continue that word councilor-san " Naruto said coldly while glared at the women with a death glare. As the woman did not able to speak as she is fearing.

" Tell me councilor-san, do you have any family?" Naruto asked in a conversational tone, as if merely talking about the weather.

Mebuki and everyone else shivered at the deceptively casual tone, but he steeled himself as he would not let the demon upstage him. "Why are you going to kill them?" Mebuki asked with a sneer.

Naruto gave the women a cold smile, "not at all, I was merely curious."

" Of course I have a family, " Mebuki said to him.

Naruto raised an eyebrow but did not comment on the man's stupidity, instead he turned to Tsunade. "Hokage-Sama is the third law still in effect?"

"Er… well yes," Tsunade answered in an unsure tone.As the women paled by hearing it.

" So I can kill her as the third law states that " Naruto asked, making her even pale like white color.

" But I am not going to kill you because you have a family, so be grateful for it, '' Naruto said, making all the relief.

" I seem to be finding myself very disappointed with the stupidity of this council," Naruto started in a near lazy drawl. Many of the council wanted to protest, but the odd feeling of death that had come to them stopped their tongues cold. Meanwhile Naruto continued on headless to their problems, "after the number of times I had protected Konoha, I would have thought you would have all realized by now that I am not the Kyuubi. I am no more the Kyuubi than a sealing scroll is the kunai that's been sealed into it. However if I was the Kyuubi, then don't you think that provoking me as you have for the first twelve years of my life might not have been the best choice. If I really was the Kyuubi, then all of you would be dead by now for what you put me through." he paused here as he made his way to the center of the chamber, letting many of the councilors think on what he had just said. In truth many had to wonder about that, it was true after all. If Naruto had really been the Kyuubi, then Konoha would have most likely been destroyed long ago. When Naruto got to the center of the chamber he continued, "however what bothers me more than your treatment of me. Is the way you claim to hail my father as one of your greatest ninja, and yet you continue to show such blatant disrespect! My father not only gave his own life, but the life of his own son so that all of you could be safe! He sacrificed everything for you! And all he asked in return was that the child, HIS child be treated as a hero! And yet you took that request and stomped on it! Treating the child like he was less than dirt! Hailing the father and damning the son!" Naruto closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "if my father were alive right now he would be ashamed of you. In fact I'm almost positive that he is rolling in his grave right now." Naruto locked eyes with each and every member of the council, with eyes that were so dead even Izumi would shiver. "I want each and every one of you to consider this; would you have treated your own child the way I was treated if they had been used for the sealing instead of me?" With his piece said Naruto went back over to his seat, sitting down with a soft sigh.

Many on the council looked at him with varied emotions; those on the shinobi side were looking at him with awe and respect. But many were also looking at him in shame, knowing that they were just as guilty as the civilian side for not being there for the boy. The civilians were looking at Naruto with a mixture of contemplation and some even in shame, though only time would tell how they were truly going to take it.

Tsunade closed her mouth as she got over her own shock, "I agree with Namikaze-san, I am disappointed in how he has been treated throughout the years. I hope this will be a lesson for all of you…"

Seeing this turn Danzo wants to turn.
" Ok but what about Uchiha San "

" What about Danzo ? " Tsunade asked.

" Her marriage proposal to some powerful ninja like Kakashi for the start of the Uchiha clan," Danzo said.

" No need to Danzo San I have a fiance before my birth my parents have arranged a marriage and he is the current strongest shinobi according to the bingo books and upto 18 you can't state us to give a heir so there is no need to worry about it " Sayuri said and they all can understand what she is meant that means Naruto is her before there birth so they can't do anything about it.

As they shut there mouths because they can't propose to her for any marriage.

" Can you tell us who is he? " A Councilor asked because he went to Uchiha for the money.

" That is Naruto, " Sayuri answered, making everyone pale.

As they didn't asked any questions as the meeting continued. Tsunade paused for a moment before deciding that a subject change was needed, "now that this is out of the way I would like to discuss the renewing of our trade agreement with Nami No Kuni."

As the meeting continues they discuss the different topics as the Civil Council shut their mouths and Danzo is thinking how to get the blonde under him. As the meeting was about to end , Danzo asked them.

" I know it may be foolish but I wanted to see the power of your squad in directly action so how about a spar with our best ninjas and in front of our elders and the shinobi council Namikaze San " Danzo said as Naruto thought and side

" It may not be a problem Danzo-san and we can have it tomorrow " Naruto said as the meeting completed as everyone left the room.

After Meeting Tsunade and both of them went to her office.


I hope you all enjoyed the chapter

See you guys

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