Chapter 15

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Mizu No Kuni

It has been a week with the all other. Naruto stared out across the plain trying to see if the enemy had arrived, like always in Mizu No Kuni the area was extremely Misty giving everyone very low visibility. Looking to his right and left Naruto saw several people who were lining up Kunai launchers, if he were to look behind him he knew that he would see people doing the same thing. He noticed that most of the people who were preparing them were looking at the odd tri pronged kunai in curiosity, most likely wondering what it was and how it could be used to end the war. Naruto and Mei had refused to say anything and the only person who the blond was sure knew what was going to happen was Ao, who was more knowledgeable then most people from Mizu due to his travels. Because of how isolated Mizu No Kuni was most people who lived there did not have much information about the world outside their country. All these people knew was that their job was too launch the kunai.

" Are you sure you want to go through this Naru kun " Sayuri asked.

" Of course this war has gone on long enough and we need to end this. it would be selfish of me to not use one of my abilities for helping the people " Naruto said as Sayuri nodded her head. As she also sat beside him to see him.

Mei, Ao, Chojuro were gathered at the main stronghold, the one Naruto and Sayuri conquered. This was the most they ever achieved in almost two years of fighting.

" We did one hell of a progress today" Mei said and her troops cheered. Just a few more days and everything would be over. "We have Naruto and his team to thank for" Mei said.

"You don't ha-


A massive explosion echoed through the grounds making everything shake from the power. Naruto and the others quickly made their way towards the surveillance towers and they managed to see the location of the explosion, not to far way.

" That's the medical stations" Mei stated while Naruto realized that Karin was there doing what she could to heal the injured.

As Sayuri eyes are also Widened at the fact that her friend is in the camp.

" Karin " Naruto and sayuri yelled as both of them started running to her but since Naruto couldn't sense her marker anymore. As other also runned towards the location of the explosion as well.

Before the explosion

Medical Camps

Karin was working at the main tent healing the injured. The loss of life during the siege was minimal but there was always injured shinobi. Karin was a very good healer and extremely skilled in the mystical palm. Apparently the better your chakra control was, the more efficient was the technique. Due to having more charka her charka control is very good. Jiraiya told her that her charka control is par on the Tsuande.

" The bones are in their proper place give it a few days and you will back to new" Karin said and the shinobi thanked her. Karin quickly finished the remaining patients and went for check up routine on all of them before she decided to leave.

" Takumi-san" Karin said as she entered the room of the head doctor "I'm leav-" Karin was saying but stopped when she saw Takumi's body on the ground in a pool on his own blood. Karin quickly rushed him only to find out he was assassinated if his slit throat was anything to go by.

Karin as she has outside and saw 3 blood line rebels are outside of the medical camps keeping the explosion tags on the tents.

As they saw her they activated the explosion tags and it blast and she can't call one as the explosion happened.


As she was falling unconscious by the explosion and suddenly a golden blur came as she know her very well who that blur was. It was her knight in shining armor. Well not shining per say but it was close enough.

" Naruto-kun" Karin said closing her eyes and embracing unconsciousness.

Now with them

Naruto and Sayuri arrived there first trying keep with them but only no One tried to catch up them. Only Mei able to catch upto him.

Both arrived at the medical stations and saw nothing but fire. The medical tents were decimated and only a large crater and fire could be seen. Naruto's heart was racing as he scanned his surroundings trying to find Karin. Naruto knew she was here and most likely got caught in the blast.

" KARIN " Naruto yelled but got no reply. He looked around trying to find any sign of life.

"Kit" Kurama called out from inside his mind "I can sense her a few meters to the east" Kurama said and Naruto disappeared again. Naruto arrived at the location Kurama had said and found Karin leaning against a rock. She was unconscious, that Naruto could see from far away. In a flash Naruto was by her side and Sayuri beside him as he saw 3 shunshin and he saw Karin in unconscious there.

Naruto bend down head and hear her heart beat. His eyes were flashing red with black slits as he unintentionally pulled Kurama's power. He was pissed alright.

As everyone can feel the blood lust there and manic in the air the people in the Mizukage tower also feel the presence in the tower where two are Yagura and Tobi .

" What is this power " Yagura asked while sweating seeing blood lust present in the hair.

Then Naruto flared all the Resistance and Gravity seals on his body are disabled.

As the everyone present can feel the charka power. As Tobi also become shocked seeing the wide potent charka.

As for Yagura is sweating by the charka power.

As the shinboi present there also become scared of the charka.

As the Charka can feel thought the elements nations.


I hope you all enjoyed the chapter

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