Chapter 21

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Haru No Kuni

Naruto looked around the large capital city of Haru No Kuni with a large smile; it had been a long time since he had been here and could not help but enjoy seeing how the city had prospered. Originally known as Yuki No Kuni due to the fact that the country had always been in a never ending winter, it had been renamed after Doto had unwittingly activated a heating generator designed to melt the snow. Naruto chuckled to himself at how furious the man had been when that happened, as well as how the man got a Rasengan to the gut for his troubles. After that Koyuki and the members of the original court that had been under Koyuki's father had renamed the land Haru because it was now always spring.

The country had become very popular since then it seemed, everywhere Naruto looked he saw hundreds of people going about their business. Stores and restaurants of all kinds lined the streets; many people were looking around and taking pictures or shopping for the latest wares or technology that the place was known for. As they continued walking Naruto noticed they were coming up on the palace that housed Koyuki, the blond frowned as he began to wonder what Jiraiya's business was and if it had something to do with the woman he had saved. He ignored the small shiver that ran down his spine as they were granted entrance.

Walking down the hall they came to a large set of double doors which a pair of butlers opened for them, walking in Naruto found himself staring at the beautiful form of Koyuki Kazahana who was currently sitting behind a desk, reading from a scroll. Naruto looked at the young woman as they made their way to her, in all honesty she had not changed much from the beautiful woman he had fist met back then. Her hair was still its long dark blue color which brought out a contrast with her light blue eyes. She was currently wearing the royal kimono of a daimyo which was thick and managed to hide the luscious curves of her body, which Naruto knew from the one time during the filming of the movie when he had been a guard and had been ordered to retireve her and she answered in her underwear was amazing.

" Koyuki-Dono, it' a pleasure to see you again," Jiraiya said with what he hoped was a charming voice.

Koyuki looked up from whatever she was reading, "ah, Jiraiya-san," Koyuki greeted as she stood up. "I had not expected you to come here so soon, the Director won't even be here for another... month..." Koyuki trailed off as her eyes latched onto the form of Naruto, soon a small blush spread across the young Daimyo's face as she looked at in her opinion was easily one of the most handsome men she had ever seen in her life. With a body that looked like it had been chiseled from stone, the young woman could see his muscles twitch with each small movement he made in the nearly skin tight black shinobi clothing. His eyes were the most startling and beautiful blue she had ever seen while his face was had roguish good looks that combined with his wild golden blond hair and whisker marks added a feral sex appeal... wait... whisker marks? Koyuki nearly did a double take as she looked at the whisker marks and finally realized she knew this man.

She moved around Jiraiya, completely ignoring his presence and stopped once she stood in front of the young blond, "...Naruto?" she asked in a tentative voice.

Naruto gave her his foxy grin, "it's been a long time Koyuki-Dono and it seems you've only gotten more beautiful in that time, I didn't think that was possible."

Koyuki felt her face heating up at Naruto's words but being an actress she was able to keep most of it under control, "and you have grown into a handsome young man." Koyuki said before surprising the blond shinobi and engulfing him in a hug, though it was not long before Naruto returned it. "I missed you," Koyuki admitted while buried in his well muscled chest.

Naruto blinked in surprise before he smiled and returned her hug, "I missed you too Koyuki-hime."

Koyuki pulled back from the hug but instead of letting go grabbed his arm and began dragging him out of the room, "Walk with me," she said in what Naruto easily recognized as her Daimyo voice and decided to comply with her command.

Jiraiya looked after the two of them in surprise before a perverted grin spread across his features. "I knew this gaki would be a gold mine for my research!" As he got two punchs from 2 girls beside him and started to fly across the sky.

Naruto found himself and Koyuki walking through one of the many gardens her palace had as the two of them talked, making light conversation which mainly consisted of Koyuki asking Naruto all kinds of questions about where he had been and what he had been doing. The two eventually stop to sit on one of the benches located throughout the garden.

"Wow, I suppose I should have expected you to do something like that with your luck," Koyuki said as she listened to some of Naruto's stories.

Naruto smiled, "so what about you?" he asked tilting his head to the side in what Koyuki thought was an adorable fashion. "How have you been?"

"Oh I've been alright," Koyuki replied, "Not much has been going on here that I would consider exciting... except maybe the new movie I'm going to be starring in," she added as an afterthought.

"You're not seriously considering maybe that movie are you?" asked Naruto, "I mean it's pretty well..."

"Perverted?" Koyuki asked with a grin, "Yeah I know, the council has been harping about me making this movie too. But I still have a contract with my director that lasts for another two years and with his Princess Gale movies all finished..."

"I see," Naruto nodded in understanding, "so because of the contract you kind of have to make the movie. But couldn't you just, I don't know null and void it?"

Koyuki shook her head, "no, at least not anymore... if a Daimyo makes any kind of contract with anyone it always needs to be upheld, otherwise people would think I would not hold up any agreement I made. Also this director is the biggest one in the industry, if I were to deny him he would be able to black list me and keep me from making movies."

Naruto nodded as that made sense since he had a nindo that was very similar to what she just said, contracts be they verbal or written out should always be upheld no matter what. He could also understand the blacklisting part, having been blacklisted by many of the stores in Konoha. "I can understand and even respect that you're still going through with this decision," Naruto said.

"Thank you, it's nice to know someone understands," Koyuki replied.

" I know it is most important to be on your words " Naruto said to her.

" Who are your team meats " Koyuki asked him.

" They are my girlfriends Sayuri Uchiha and Karin Uzumaki " Naruto said to her.

Naruto began to explain to her about the Clan Restoration Act that had been set down when Konoha was founded. Koyuki listened to Naruto with a sort of odd detachment as she thought about what he was telling her, in all honesty it did not sound as odd to her as it may have sounded to a civilian. She had studied up on ninja villages and most of their laws so she knew that they had things like this, especially if one of the Clans that held a bloodline was about to go extinct; it was also well known that several of the male Daimyo's in the elemental nations had either multiple wives or concubines. She knew that Naruto had a clan because of his father as well, when word spread that Naruto was the son of the Hokage a lot of the different Royal families in various countries had actually talked about forming an with Konoha alliance through marriage; her own council had been one of those that approved of him when he was brought up as a potential candidate for marriage. However she did not know about the CRA and she was sure that the others on her council did not know or they would have brought it up. She focused all of her attention back to Naruto who seemed to be finishing his small speech.


I hope you all enjoyed the chapter

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