Chapter 32

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Suddenly the ground began to crack as they saw Naruto apply chakra in arms and he used it on the ground. As every jonin ninja scattered around the area.

Outside of the Barrier

" Is it Hokage sama technique? " Ino yelled.

" It is not Tsu hime technique, Naruto used the fist with his chakra coated on it, '' Jiraiya said.

As everyone was shocked to hear it.

Inside the barrier

"Dokugiri (Poison Mist)" Shizune said, pumping her lungs full with chakra and launching a mist of purple poison towards Naruto, Sayuri and Karin.

" Fuuton - Daitoppa (Great Breakthrough) " Naruto said before taking a deep breath and releasing a strong gust of wind that blew the mist away, making it easily disperse and thus making it harmless.

"Konoha Goriki Senpuu (Severe Leaf Hurricane)" Gai shouted as he appeared next to Naruto spinning. Naruto brought his right hand up and caught Gai's shin stopping his momentum.

"He stopped it...with a single hand?" Gai thought to himself with his eyes widened. Naruto had stopped Gai's leg and slammed his own left leg on the ground. A small earth wall rose from the ground defending him from a couple of senbon that Shizune had thrown.

"Sen'eijashu (Hidden Snake Hands)" Anko said, sending multiple snakes that wrapped themselves around Naruto and brought him close to her. "Now for your blood" Anko said and Naruto grinned before starting glowing. Naruto exploded sending Anko tumbling into the ground and touring up most of her coat.

Naruto's hand popped out of the ground just behind Asuma who jumped back in time to avoid them. Asuma threw his daggers powered with wind chakra but Naruto simply with his sword block the attack and both used it for a time. Seeing this as opportunity Kakashi as he send a jutsu towards Naruto " Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu (Great Fireball technique)" Kakashi said and sent a fireball towards Naruto who is fighting with Asuma as Sayuri appeared before them and cut the Fireball with her sword.

Seeing this as a chance Karin went with hand signs Ram → Dog → Rat → Snake → Dragon. "Hijutsu: Mugen no Ame (Secret Technique: Endless Rain )" Karin whispered  crouching on the floor. Clouds started gathering in the sky covering what was once a beautiful and sunny day. A couple of seconds later a few drops of water fell from the sky until it began to increase, turning it into heavy rain.

"Rain?" Kakashi was surprised until he saw Karin rising from the ground. "This rain is laced with chakra" Kakashi thought to himself as to why the rain had chakra. It was generated from the clouds and not from chakra so it shouldn't have any trace of chakra in it. "Its eating away my chakra," Kakashi thought, shocked. Any drop of this rain that hit him would absorb a small bit of his chakra, which multiplied by thousands of water drops that were falling wouldn't be good.

Water started gathering and spiralling around Karin forming a water tornado of sorts. "Suiton - Suishouha (Exploding Water Wave)" Karin said and the water exploded from her position going towards the jounin.

Outside of the barrier

"She pulled water from the air"  Koharu blurted out  " I only thought Tobirama sensei can do it "

" Well for your reason Uzumaki have a high affinity towards Water and so her affinity towards water is at the same level as my Uncle's, " Tsuande said.

" It is not like that Karin can't pull water from Air and her affinity towards the Water is not good as Lord Second but she found a jutsu that creates clouds thus making it air and the air become moisture so she pulls the Water for saturated Air. '' Jiraiya explained.

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