Chapter 42

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After Visting his parents, Graves, and Naruto went to the Tenten's father's shop. Naruto made his way over to the Higurashi weapon store, opening the door, which sounded with a chime.

He looked at the cash register and saw Tenten sitting on a stool reading a magazine. Most likely a weapons magazine of some sort, Thought Naruto with a smile as he walked over and tapped on the desk, "good morning Tenten!"

Tenten looked up at Naruto, and a blush quickly spread across her face, "Good morning, Naruto-kun! How are you doing?" Tenten asked.

Naruto smiled at the girl, "Not bad; I can't complain. What about you?"

"Oh, I've been good," Tenten said as she squirmed in her seat. "So, um... how can I help you today?"

"I was wondering if your dad was in," Naruto said as he tilted his head.

Tenten was about to respond when a gruff voice did it for her.

"He is in."

Naruto and Tenten looked down the stairs and noticed a man with messy brown hair walking down. He was about 5'9" tall and had a bulky build; his eyes were brown, similar to Tenten's, giving Naruto a hint that this was her father. The blond noticed the man walking with a slight limp, indicating his heel had been injured. This, along with the man's general aura, led Naruto to believe he had been a shinobi at one point.

Naruto bowed to the man, "It's a pleasure to meet you, sir; I'm..."

"I know who you are," Tenten's father chuckled, "it's almost impossible not to with your reputation. And don't call me sir; I hate that respect crap." Naruto grinned as he scratched his head, amusing the man who had seen that expression on Minato's face many times. "I'm Kenchi Higurashi," Kenchi introduced himself as he held out a hand.

Naruto smiled as he took it, "nice to meet you."

"Likewise, I was wondering when I would see you in my shop," Kenchi said, "so, is there anything I could do for you?"

"I was wondering if there was something I could do for you," Naruto said, getting two raised eyebrows from Tenten and Kenchi.

"Oh? And what is it that you can do for us?" Kenchi, with his curiosity, piqued.

"I can see that you sell things like standard sealing scrolls and exploding tags; however, like most stores, you guys don't have much else like seals. I am currently creating several seals that will help Konoha," Naruto looked at the two of them. "I am sure you know that a clan needs to find some way to contribute to the village somehow, Kenchi-san."

Kenchi nodded, "Yes, I am well aware of that; I take it this is your way to do that?"

"Yes," Naruto nodded, "I hoped to have a demonstration at the end of the week. As you are the only shinobi store I know of that is run by a shinobi, I wanted to have you there."

"What makes you think I'm a shinobi?" Kenchi asked if this boy, no man, corrected himself. If this man were anything like Minato, then he would be able to give him an accurate dissertation of why he thought Kenchi was a shinobi.

"When you were walking down, I noticed you have a slight limp; by the slight movements your leg makes, I would say that a sword caused the wound to the heel. Wounds like that are not something civilians get and escape. Whoever gave it to them to live, meaning you had to have been in combat at one point. Aside from that," Naruto shrugged,  "your general aura is the same as anyone who has ever been a serious ninja at one point in their life."

He's just like his father, Kenichi thought with a smile. "That's a pretty good deduction, and you were right about the leg. So why do you feel it matters whether a store is shinobi owned or not?"

"Because that makes this shop far more popular than the other stores since you have ninja experience and know what they would want," Naruto answered.

"I see," Kenchi said with a nod, "Because I have firsthand knowledge of what ninjas want and the ability to forge custom weapons based on that knowledge, more ninjas come to my store. If I endorsed your seals, they would sell much more, right?" At Naruto's nod, Kenichi continued, "This will also give you more of a profit since more people will..."

"No," Kenchi and Tenten looked at Naruto as he spoke, "I'm not doing this for any monetary gain. You can keep any money you make; I have more than enough, thanks to my family's fortunes and my mission earning.

Kenchi blinked in surprise for several moments before he grinned, "You are Minato's kid, aren't you?"

Naruto smiled, "so I've been told."

"Well, all right, I'll come to this demonstration of yours, and if your stuff is any good, we'll start selling them the moment it's ready for the market."

Naruto nodded, "I appreciate this," the blond said before he looked over at Tenten, "you're welcome to come if you would like."

After that, Naruto left the shop.

On the next day Naruto has showed them his seals and the shinobi council were very impressed with the seals.


Thank you for 100K reads guys and I am very happy to write this story.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

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