Volume 1 - Episode 4

Start from the beginning

Weiss: "Helloooo."

I snap out of my trance and notice that Weiss was annoyed again by ignoring her.

Noctis: "Oh? I'm so sorry, I was thinking about something. What did you say?"

Weiss: "Name, your name what is it?"

Noctis: "Oh um...Noctis L/n at your service, Miss."

Weiss: "Good and please no Ma'am or Miss just call me, Weiss."

Noctis: "Um...Are sure about that?"

Weiss: "Yes..."

Noctis: "Okay then...Well, it is nice to meet you, Weiss. I hope we become friends."

Weiss: "Likewise..."

But her smile disappeared immediately when she suddenly spotted somebody.

Weiss: "Now Noctis If you would excuse me I need to discipline a Dunces I just met earlier that almost kill me."

Noctis: "Um..."

I couldn't say anything more since she marches off towards where Ruby was standing with the same blonde-haired girl who I bump into, she might be her friend.

Noctis: "Well, that was something...Also how long you're going to hide there, Blake?"

I turn around and notice her appearing from the shadows.

Blake: "Hm...I can tell now that you're kinda skilled."

Noctis: "Kinda...Um, I'll take that as a compliment."

Ozpin: "I'll...Keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft, and to acquire a new skill, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose and direction."

As the students whisper among themselves.

Ozpin: "You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step."

As Opzin finishes his speech, Glynda steps up to talk.

Glynda: "You will gather in the ballroom tonight. Tomorrow, your initiation will begin. Be ready. You are dismissed."

Noctis: "Hm..."

I didn't as he acted just now. So this is why Raven didn't trust this guy so much. Then Blake started to move and nudge me in the ribs hurting my side.

Noctis: "Oof..."

Blake: "Are coming or not, Noctis?"

Noctis: "Geez can't you just pull my shirt or something, Blake."

I said while following her behind.

Mini Timeskip

Nightfall has arrived and everybody was getting ready to go to sleep as for me, I was admiring the night sky where the cracked moon is placed. Right now I decided to apart myself from Blake knowing her, is better to leave her to do whatever she likes doing.

Blake: "Psst..."

I hear the sound of whispering from behind me so I turned around to see the source. It was Blake signaling me to come over. I swear I don't know if she wants to be alone to not. I signed and went towards her spot and sat next to her, as least I can see the night sky where I was standing.

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