Boiling rain

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Hunters pov



My ears priked up, it has been a while since i heard that sound.

I jumped up, heart thudding wildly. Boiling rain. The only weather comparable to a painbow.

And I was about to be caught in it.

"Flapjack!" I yelled, plucking the small bird out of the air and shoving him in my coat.

Not wasting a second i bolted through the forest, dogeing branches and skidding under logs. I dident know where i was going- all i knew was that i had to find some sort of shelter.

A cave perhaps?

Ugh, no thinking, just running.

hiss hisss hiss

Bullets of boiling rain were splattering around me.


I winced, feeling the burn of rain on my skin. Shit this hurt.

Good thing i was pretty good at tolerating pain at this point hahahahaha (laughes in trauma)

Hiss hiss

Two more drops seeped down my neck like liquid fire.

Thankfully just ahead there was a dim light shining through the trees. Shelter.

Without paying attention to where i was i stumbled to the door and knocked on it weakly.

No answer.

Shit. Why did i even bother running?

Didnt i want to die? Where had my will to live suddenly come from?


The door swung open and i was greeted my a familier face.

"Hunter?" Edric asked, before his face was filled with panic, "Hunter!"

"H- hey" I groaned from the pain but managed to force a smile.

"Hunter get in here!" Edric yelled, grabbing me by the wrists and pulling me inside.

Moments later i was surrounded by the blight siblings, Amity was being orderd by edric to "quick! get more salve!" And Emria was using her healing magic to try fix me up.

It didnt do much but I appreciate the effort.

"Sorry for the trouble." i smiled apoligeticaly, "You really didnt have to do this."

"Yeah i did. Now take off your shirt"

My heart jumped, "Well thats bold-"

Edric turned red "What! No i- your burns! The salve and banages..?"

My face turned red and i looked at the floor, heart pounding. Well duh thats what he meant. Hunter you dumbass.

"yeah of course hahahaha" I laughed nervosly, pulling off my shirt- wincing when the fabric brushed my wounds.

Fuck i was so embarresed. If i was ever to randomly pass out, right now would be a great time.

"Chirp~" Batrick sang.

"Tweet!" (*No! im the moral support! Back off!)

"Grrrr." Batrick replied, (*Edric is clearly having a crisis right now! You back off!) "Chirpp~"

The room went mostly quiet besides the sounds of flapjack and batrick futtering around madly.

Emria looked at me, then back at edric who was applying salve to my scars quietly. Weird could feel his heart beat through his fingertips. Or was that my heartbeat?

Either way i would probly need to see a professional healer after this. Mostly for the burns but that beats per second was not normal.

"Amity dont we have several very important things to be doing right now?" Emria said, breaking the scilence.

Amity raised an eyebrow before Em shot her a look of sorts. "Ah yes." Amity said, "So many things lets leave right now."

With that both of them turned around and marched out of the living room.


11:00 at night inspo is real damn

also i know the spelling in this one is awful lol

ty for reading

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