- Chapter 12 -

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Nobody could move. Everyone was too frightened to even move a muscle. Before them stood the emperor of the galra empire. The king himself. Zarkon. And then Lance, being Lance, decided to go knocking on death's door.

"Um... hello?" Lance squeaked. "Are you, um... lost? By any chance? Cuss i think you got the wrong place." Lance chuckled nervously. "There's no kit here. No kit insight. Nothing to see here."

Shiro mentally face palmed while Allura shot him a look that said "shut up before you kill us all or so help me I will end you right here."

Lance seemed to not get the message as he continued to ramble on and on about them not having a kit and him being in the wrong place. Zarkon Finally seemed to have enough.

"Blue paladin, if you don't shut up right now, I will make sure you have no mouth to talk with," Zarkon threatened, though Shiro could have sworn he saw a flash of amusement in his eyes. 

"What are you doing here?" Allura cried. 

As Zarkon turned his piercing gaze at her he calmly said, "I already told you. To get back my kit."

"Ok, first off, what's a kit?" Pidge asked.

"A kit's like a toddler in galra culture," Zarkon explained.

"Oh, ok. Secondly, how'd you get in here?" Pidge asked.

"Oh... I uh, rather not say," Zarkon chuckled. "Anyway, back to the matter at hand. I would like to take my kit so that I can finally go home and leave this tiering war."

"Wait what?" The paladins, Altains, and blades all exclaimed. "What do you mean leave the war?"

"I'm only in search of my lost kit, I still don't know how to tell that to the rest of the universe without getting yelled at. I'm afraid this whole war is a huge misunderstanding."

The paladins glanced at each other. 

"And how do we know you're not lying?" Shiro asked.

"How about you take me to your leader or whatever and we can talk? How does that sound?" Zarkon said.

"Okay... but you have to give all your weapons so that we know you don't try anything."

Zarkon only responded with a nod. Now all they had to do was hope that they wouldn't die doing this, and that Zarkon really was telling the truth. 


(A/N) I'm so sorry for the crappy chapter. 

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