- Chapter 6 -

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Thanks to @galacticstorysleuth for suggesting this (:     Also, thanks for 2K reads! I'm so happy!

Kolivan stood there, gawking at the door like an idiot.

"Pfft! Who would have thought! Kolivan, a father of a young kit!" Thace cried, laughing uncontrollably.

"Say another word. I dare you," Kolivan hissed threatenly.

Tho he would never admit it, he had always had a soft spot for Keith. And he was nervous about taking care of the kit. And explaining it to him. And still leading the blade of marmora. And-

"Hey? HEY!" Thace cried, bringing Kolivan out his train of thought. "I can tell you're stressing but it'll be fine. Besides, we'll all help."

Kolivan took a deep breath and smiled. A thing he rarely does. With both of them taking care of Keith, nothing could go wrong!


Everything went wrong. Kolivan and Thace had been running around for hours now, looking for the now small purple cat-like boy.

"First day and we've already failed," Thace huffed as he ran beside Kolivan.

"Wow, thanks for reminding me," Kolivan growled sarcastically.

"I mean, how could we lose him on the first day?" Thace yelled. "I thought we locked the door?"

"He must've found a way out," Kolivan answered.

"Well thanks captain obvious," Thace muttered.

"No need to be sarcastic with me," Kolivan snapped. "Now, if I were a mischievous little gremlin, where would I hide?"

"Isn't Pidge more like a gremlin?" Trace commented.

"They're both gremlins," Kolivan growled as they entered the kitchen area. 

They both kept silent as they crept around, trying to hear anything that might tell them where Keith is hiding. After a while Thace sighed in defeat.

"I don't think-" Thace started but was cut off by a loud snore. 

Thace looked at Kolivan in question. Kolivan shrugged in response as he krept towards the snore. Closer... closer... closer. He peeked on top of the fridge and was surprised by what he saw. Keith. Sleeping like a cat, curled up on top of the fridge, snoring adorably in his sleep. His heart almost melted. Almost. Kolivan chuckled, shaking his head as he looked at the now purple boy.

"This kid will be the death of me," Kolivan whispered as he carefully lifted him up and walked back to Keith's room, smiling. 

Meanwhile Thace stood there, dumbstruck.

"Did I just see that correctly?" Thace wondered. "Did the great Kolivan just smile? I must be going crazy!"


(A/N) Hey. Sorry for not updating sooner, I didn't have much motivation and had writer's block. Please don't kill me! I promise I'll update again... someday... as soon as I have the chapter planned. If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them! I have some planning but there are still a lot of holes. Thanks for reading!

- MarMar

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