{27} CEO in Peril

636 49 24

Tanwir Sarker

The esteemed CEO of Tarkan Industries was not impressed in the slightest.

A deep frown placed itself on his lips, stress lines evident on his forehead and his hair was a disheveled mess. Fatherhood took a toll on him. I could only imagine the pressure Ibrahim was feeling as the head of a steel company. He had so many people depending on him, looking to him for guidance, yet at the same time he had a newborn son and a wife who needed him to be present in their lives.

I admired his devotion to his family, admired his dedication to justice. What is it like to have all the power you need to right the wrongs of others?

Ibrahim sighed, tugging at loose strands of inky, black hair. "Sorry," he apologized. "There's been a lot of problems at the company lately with this new proposal and managing a newborn on top of all that has been stressful."

"Don't worry," I reassured him with a tight smile. "That's a bigger priority than our meeting. Do what you need to do."

He shook his head. "No, it's not okay. You took time out of your day to meet with me and I should be giving you my full attention."

I threw my head back in a deep chuckle. "You really amaze me, Ibrahim."

He raised a brow at me.

"How can you run this giant corporation and still maintain your honorable values? How are you not tainted by the bitterness of your role?"

At this, my friend didn't skip a beat in his response as if it were the most logical thing in the world. His tired features began to look more alive, snowy skin tinted in a rosy pink, rigid posture relaxed with his laughter.

There was a sense of tranquil peace when Ibrahim spoke of his family, of his values. His usually cold visage would become warm with love.

For once, I felt like I finally understood why.

"When you embrace your wife in your arms, do you feel a strong desire to love and protect her?" he asked me. "When you embrace your nephew, do you want to be the man he looks up to? When you embrace your parents, do you wish to be the child that they bloom with pride for?"

I nodded, knowing the feeling all too well.

Ibrahim smiled. "That's all you need. That desire to be the type of man that your family deserves is all you need to not be touched by the impurities of this world."

I didn't know what to say. He was right. All that I was chasing after had always been for my family, yet I was painted in the ink of dishonor because I chose to pursue a path that strayed from our deen (religion). Even though it was hard to admit, I did join the mafia for selfish reasons.

A feeling of dread washed over me as my gaze settled on my friend, witnessing his selfless act of duty to his family and to his company. Here he was trying to eradicate the corruption in our cities, and here I was telling him to abandon it.

What type of man am I?

Sensing my distress, Ibrahim quirked his brows. "Is everything alright?"

Come on. You're protecting your wife. Just tell him.

I felt like I was playing the role of his friend behind a mask of deception, felt like I was hiding behind my past. Somehow, my connection to Ibrahim was on the mafia's radar, where they hounded our relationship like a pack of wolves hunting after their prey.

My body tensed under the burden, stressed by the uncertainty of the future. I wanted to protect everyone, but I couldn't. At the end of the day, I was just as human as Ibrahim and Kanza, and I was equally susceptible to human flaws.

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