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   When Keila got inside her room, she unconsciously laid down on the floor, thinking soberly. Nothing that happened was her fault. Hayden's mum hadn't even given her a chance to give an impression, or had she lacked manners?, she wondered

  She didn't sit when she hadn't been offered a seat, neither did she say unnecessary stuffs till Hayden introduced her, so what the hell was up?. Keila couldn't grasp.

   Her day hadn't gone as she expected. She sort of regretted going to meet Hayden's family but she was glad she met a personality like Aden and Tiana. Even at that, she could stop feeling very bad about Matilda. She did what she felt she should that moment.

    She rang Lexy up, even though it was quite late and she feared that her best friend wouldn't want to be disturbed if she was sleeping, but self centering got her that period.

   She knew with the matter going through her mind, she wouldn't sleep any time soon and needed someone to talk to. Yeah, she has a mother, plus a father. She was close her father but these days she had been to busy for him and didn't want to discuss her problems with him yet.

   And her mother.....Keila hated to think. She was no option for her.

   Lexy didn't seem to be picking at the third ring and she got frustrated. She was about to end the call when someone spoke at the other end.

   "It's 10:53pm Keila", Lexy answered her voice evident of sleep.

  "I know, I'm sorry to disturb you".

  "What's wrong?".

  "I'm disturbed".

  "Hayden just got back so being disturbed isn't what I'm expecting on his first day of being home. I'm sure you enjoyed your day with him so what else babe?.

  "We went to visit his parents and.....".

  "Oh wow", Lucy's voice lit up and Keila could imagine she sat up to listen to more.

   "Hayden is finally taking a big step, at least that should help you stop doubting that he loves you. You know guys these days, when they are....."

  "Listen up Lexy, that's not the point".

  "So what?"

  "His mum isn't accepting me "

  "Accepting you as how, she didn't let you do the dishes or help in the kitchen?, yunno mother-in-laws these days find it disrespectful, it's your first visit".

  Keila sighed with more frustration. She knew her best friend could be very annoying and foolish most times but she hadn't expected at a time like this.

  "Lexy, are you stupid?", she asked with an agitated voice.

  "Heyyo, watch your tongue, last I checked, I am months older than you are, but seriously, what do you mean?".

  "She is not accepting me, she is not accepting me, she is not accepting me!, whatever that means to your dumb ass".

  "What?, she doesn't know you are sweet or why won't she?".

  "Lexy this isn't about being sweet okay?".

  "I mean it, for real, what did she say is wrong with you?".

  "I guess you are lots affected by sleep, I will talk to you some other time".

  Without waiting to hear her best friend protest that she was fine, she banged the call and not wanting to make a mess of herself, got her hair tied up, cleaned her face since she had a little make up on, then got changed into her pajamas.

   A message came from Hayden, telling her goodnight and some sweet wishes, but she couldn't find herself replying, so she slept instead.


  The next morning, after being aware she had asked Camilla to drop by when she was going to work, she immediately managed to get dressed as soon as possible and make a light breakfast.

   Hayden called and they spoke normally for about two minutes. She was staring at the television when a horn, which she was sure was Camilla's, distracted her. She put it off and went out.

   "Good morning", she greeted first as she entered the passenger seat.

  "Morning to you Kei, how was your night?".

  Truth be told, Kila felt her night was one of her worsts, she couldn't sleep well, and kept dreaming, bad dreams!.

  "Fair and yours?".

  "It was a normal night. Why fair though?".

  Camilla would never stop at her answer she knew that right.

"I just had a bad night, you get, bad dreams and not a peaceful night anyways".

  "Did you have a lot going on in your mind before you went to bed?".

  Keila nodded absentmindedly facing out the window. It was when Camilla asked what the problem was, she realized she had let an hint.

   Since she didn't get a valuable answer from Lexy the other night, she decided to talk to Camilla.

"Oh wow, some mothers don't just approve their son bringing home a girl, which is probably wrong. Some instantly don't like the girl at first sight and some prefer to choose for their son. But I see no reason why his mum wouldn't like you at first sight, I mean you are decent, plus beautiful, you...."

   "So that means the latter is the reason ", Keila cut her off.

  "I didn't say so but it could be ".

  "No that can't be possible".

  "In actual fact, some mothers already know who their son will marry and nothing would change that", Cam added as if purposeful which hurt Keila's ego the more.

"Does that mean.........?", Keila was thinking.

  What if Hayden's mum had someone already planned out for her son, would she just be wasting her time with him, she still had a year and six months to wait for him, if she ended up waiting fruitlessly, what would become of her?, wouldn't Kaden taunt her and Camilla mock her since she had warned her?.

   She felt hopeless and suddenly found herself drifting away form Hayden's in her mind. She promised to find something to do to herself.

   She couldn't be a loser and although her mind throbbed in pain at what confirmation she had made, she decided to beat Hayden to it.


Thanks for reading this far🥰, please vote and comment what you feel🌚

Kaptaine Babbitt ❤️

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