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Hayden was very worried but decided against going to visit his girlfriend. He knew she would possibly still be mad about what transpired between them the former night.

She had refused to pick his calls and reply his messages and that heightened his level of worry. He wondered what she had been up to that day and he feared for her safety.

Maybe she wasn't home or in danger and couldn't reach her phone. He hated himself more for causing their quarrel the second time in the same month, he was fucked. Especially if she decided it was over between them.

He would go and look for her and sort things out, he hadn't meant it the way she had thought.

He decided to try her number again after he was dressed up and hopelessly for him, she answered this time.

He felt relief wash through his body and a little smile rugged at his lips.


Keila was still feeling worried about her unknown saviour who didn't even leave a message for her, and as she found out, he paid her medical bills before leaving the hospital. He still left her shocked how nice someone could be to a stranger.

Her phone buzzed up and immediately she saw the caller, she softened a bit and picked the call.

"At least, we can't keep going on like this. I miss you", she acknowledged in her head.

"Keila", Hayden's voice was impatient as if she could bang the call any moment.

"Good afternoon", she answered.

"Babe, I know I've screwed thongs up but please we need to settle this, I am really sorry and my intentions were not what you were thinking, okay?, I love you so much and I'm glad I met you. I want you to know I will gladly include you in every plans of my life but let's just assume this was a mistake I made. We can't jeopardize our relationship for this. I really am sorry baby", Hayden said with remorse plain in his voice.

Keila felt touched instantly and she just didnt want anything more than to be with him that moment, cuddled up in his warm embrace with the feeling of having a perfect life with a perfect man.

"Hay, it is fine, I don't want explanations anymore, I just want this dream to be over. Let's pretend nothing happened okay, and we can keep being the way we were. You know I love you much more than words can explain and in a moment, I thought all that was not respected, so I got mad, I am sorry too but you can always count on me, I promise to be there with you".

"Meeting you was one of the best moments of my life Kei", he said lost for words but more happy than he had been that week. "Can I treat you this evening to dinner?", Hayden asked.

"Sure baby", she giggled happily.

"Alright, I will get you around 6pm".

"Okay then, bye ".

Her world felt peaceful in a bit and she felt herself loving the same man over and over again. She started sorting through her closet to get something appropriate to wear for the date.


Six days went by like two days and his departure day finally came. Keila had helped Hayden pack his things and mostly got emotional.

She would start crying each time she realized he was not going to be around for the next two years.

"You didn't forget to take the green tea my mum prepared for you right?", she asked him.

"Of course, tell her thanks on my behalf".

"Hey, we fucking forgot to pack enough cardigans, it's going to be really cold over there. We could quickly shop around before your flight time is due".

"It's okay babe, I will still get to buy stuffs over there. The less loads, the better for me, thanks", he playfully dragged her cheeks.

"And also, make sure you always get your rest when due Hay".

"I will mama", he cupped her cheeks and gave her a light peck on the lips.

"Hayden, you will always call right?", the emotional part of her was setting in.

"As long as I have time baby, even if I don't, I promise to always make out time for you cause you're so important to me".

"And, you won't forget about me or start drooling over someone else there?", she said more warning-like.

"I don't think they have girls as pretty as you are, sunshine. None of them possess what you do and I promise I won't forget you baby, I will be back, for you and my family. And when I do come back, we would do what you always wanted".

"Get married", she gasped. "In two years time anyways", she blushed remembering he had mentioned it was the period it would be comfortable for him.

"You day this as if I don't get breaks to come home dummy. Well, I wouldn't want to be late for the flight and I don't think I want you to escort me further before you go wowwwwwww on me when leaving", he smiled at her and got serious.

"I will miss you so much Kei".

"Awhhhhh", she rushed to hug him and ended up getting his neatly ironed shirt smeared and rough with teardrops.

"I can't believe you're really leaving Hay, this feels like a dream".

"I wish I didn't have to go, it was not planned babe".

"I know, you don't wanna miss your flight right?".

"Sure, let me get going", he pulled her into a tight bear hug but she released herself and tiptoed s little to give him a kiss on the lips but he didn't let her go, only deepened the kiss which got people looking, by the time they got conscious, it was embarrassing.

"I love you"

"I love you more flower"

"See you soon", he picked up his travelling bag, waved and turned away.

Keila stood rooted to the spot till her eyes were blinded with tears and she couldn't see him anymore. It was like a part of her life was leaving her.

To avoid getting herself embarrassed, she boarded a taxi and let the tears out when she was inside. She couldn't wait till she got home.

She had been the only person to see Hayden off. His parents really were not happy with him when he let them know, but he managed to escape it and never bothered them about when he was leaving.


Feels hard to part with a loved one even if it wouldn't be forever😪💔

Kaptaine Babbitt ❤️.

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