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     Keila had been silent for the next ten minutes of their journey back to her place and Hayden didn't hope to let it continue that way.


  "Please", she stopped him. "I am tired".

  "I'm sorry for what happened back at my place".

  "Is that what you have to say to calm me?, like for real Hayden, you don't sense how troubled I am. Your mum isn't accepting me and it's obvious ", she lamented.

  "I can't lie to comfort you right now babe, yeah, my mum is indifferent towards you but she would get over it, she is probably scared and thinking if I made the right choice with you, she hasn't gotten to know you yet and that why she doesn't know that you have an angel's heart. I promise and I'm sure she will like you sooner or later, you just...."

  "Later, Hayden, listen to your self, and you think I can cope with that, the feeling of knowing I'm not wanted for a long while".

  "I trust you Keila, you just have to work on her liking you, I'm really sorry this is happening and I don't want to force you on her either and I've tried to make her see reasons why you are the best choice for me, she would realize that very soon. No matter what happens though, I promise I will be there for you and they won't be the reason why we aren't gonna be together".

  She remained silent in her own world and wasn't aware Hayden had gotten to her place. It was late already and she felt exhausted from the day's activities, preparing for Hayden's homecoming.

  "You can take my car home, I will ask Camilla to pick me up in the morning", she said to him as she packed her stuffs in place.

  "No, don't worry, I will find my way home, I don't have to inconvenient  you since you will be going to work early".

  "It's late, Hayden, you don't have to argue, just go with it", she said as if weak enough for long arguments.

  "Thanks baby", he came down to her side and after trying his best to assure her everything will be fine, he kissed her on the forehead and watched her go inside.

  "Bye", she said and went inside.

     Hayden was lost in thoughts as he drove. He hadn't expected his mother to behave that way to Keila leaving him very shocked and sad on Keila's behalf because she didn't get a full reception from his family.

   He knew his mum beforehand. She was always the one who troubled him most and he had hated to make Keila go along iwith th him.

  Matilda was choosy and had cause a breakup of his when he was younger. He wasn't going to let her get to him now that he was old enough to make decisions.

   When he had gone to see his mum, she was in the library focusing on her favorite magazine.

  "Mum, can I speak with you", he said but she didn't reply.

  "Can you just please listen to what I have to say, mum, this is urgent", he said already infuriated because she was ignoring him.

  "What the hell do you have to say?", she answered looking up with eyes glazing with danger.

  "Why were you acting so cold to Keila, I told you that's my girlfriend".

   "I didn't recognize her as one".

  "And why is that?".

  "I don't have much to say but that thing you brought here isn't the right one for you".

  "I didn't know you were a seer, else I see no reason why with a glance, you have decided someone isn't right for me ", he barked.

  "Don't shout at me", she warned.

  "I need an explanation".

  "I would advice you just stop wasting her time because you can't have anything to do with her".

  "If I can't have anything to do with her, then I would rather not have anything to do with any lady".

  "You will surely have something to do with Elena when you see her".

   It was then he understood all his mum had been driving at. He was still very furious at her for her attitude but he promised to deal with that later, whoever Elena was, he would have nothing to do with her.

  He became conscious when he got to his street and he lazily completed the journey and went into his house. Without undressing himself, he fell on his bed. He had had a long day in his homecoming. In minutes, he fell asleep.



I'm sorry this episode was short. Just wanted to keep it simple and straightforward.

Kaptaine Babbitt ❤️

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