Chapter Fourteen

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Seonghwa is curled under a blanket the nurse was kind enough to bring him when she saw him shivering on the reclining couch that turns into a bed, where he attempts to at least rest his eyes a few minutes because they stung from the impossibility of falling asleep these past weeks. The only lullaby music was the heart monitor beeping and the ventilator sucking and expelling air for Hyosonn.

He's buried beneath the blanket when he heard the door slid open.

"Do you think he's asleep?" Munhee asked someone.

"If he managed to do so, I think we should just let him sleep. He hasn't gotten any on all these days." The someone was Yunho.

"But maybe he'll finally get some after he hears this good news."

Seonghwa threw the blanket off of him and stared with wide eyes at Hyosonn's two best friends. "What happened??"

Munhee smiled in amusement. "If Hyosonn saw you right now, she'd think you look very adorable with that ruffled hair and expression," she remarks, and Seonghwa actually sensed his face burning as he blushed.

She giggles quietly, and Yunho raised a brow at her, then grins towards Seonghwa.

"Should I feel jealous?" he joked to Munhee.

"Would you tell me what the fuck happened, and joke around later??" Seonghwa snapped, now scowling.

"Aigoo, chill, man." Munhee mutters.

"I will chill when I see Sonn open her eyes, alright??!"

"Tell the guy before he rips your face off, Munhee." Yunho sighs, suppressing a smirk.

She goes to sit beside Seonghwa and has her phone in hand. "I am sure you won't ever have to worry about the person who attempted to murder her. Thanks to her mother and very good experts in law, Hajoon is super likely of getting life in prison. No privileges of probation and not serving behind bars. It's been confirmed. He's facing about fifty years and guess who has to pay every single medical bill for Hyosonn's stay here?"

"His family." Seonghwa said, and she nods.

"That's right. The guy won't get away with this crime," she mentioned cheerfully.

"What guarantees his fucking parents won't pay the judge and cut the sentence? I don't trust those rich bastards."

Yunho came to sit on Seonghwa's other side and placed an arm over his hunched back. "This wasn't just rape attempt, Seonghwa. This was an attempt of murder, and nobody can get away with that. No matter how much money they have in the bank."

"I'll love doing a visit to just see the guy in a prison uniform...or cripple him." Seonghwa's eyes darkened with the rage and hate.

"Yeah, you aren't the only one. That motherfucker is going to pay all he's done, and not even all the money his parents have will be able to save him from living behind bars. He's facing those fifty years to life. No chance of bail, either." Munhee murmurs, glancing towards where Hyosonn was and smiled with the relief visible all over her face.

"So, ya think now you can get the sleep you haven't for quite a while?" she asks, giving him the blanket sheets between Seonghwa and her.

He released a low sigh, taking it and hugged it to his chest, gazing at the framed photograph he'd brought when he first came to the hospital room. He looked at Hyosonn's beautiful, bright and big smile he loved seeing.

"I just feel...scared...that if I close my eyes and manage to fall asleep, something'll happen while I am, or it would be the last I see her breathing..." he said in a low and soft tone.

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