Chapter Seven

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A/N: It ain't the outfit but wanted to show how pretty Hyosonn is🥰

The day of Seonghwa's aunt's birthday had arrived, and as soon as Hyosonn pounced off the bed, she got to the task of baking the delicious cake for Heeyoung, with help from her mother.

In the oven, a mouthwatering chocolate cake baked while Hyosonn picked out what she'll wear for the surprise celebration that Heeyoung has no idea that will happen at her home. Only Seonghwa, Ms. Kang and Hyosonn are in on this surprise.

Hyosonn rummaged through the closet, unsure of what to put on.

When she noticed the beanie she'd knitted with Seonghwa's grandmother, at a top shelf of the walk-in closet, she knew right now is the perfect moment to wear it. Also remembering the day he told her he really wanted to see it on her, so that is what she'll do.

It's really chilly outside, so she opted for a black and white fuzzy turtleneck sweater, which she'd wear with a pair of white high-waist jeans and low-heel shoelace black winter boots. She would put on a warm black leather jacket that she bought about a week or so ago.

Before getting dressed, Hyosonn helped her mother to decorate the cake with frosting and placed strawberries all around the top of it. In the middle, she wrote with chocolate frosting: Happy Birthday Heeyoung! Even making cute little hearts that turned out pretty nice.

The cake in the fridge until they leave, Hyosonn and Ms. Kang got ready to be set to head out the door over to Seonghwa's aunt's home. Hyosonn's mom even had pretty decorations she'd bought at a party store that included silver butterfly-shaped balloons because of the detail Hyosonn told her about how Heeyoung loves butterflies, and also had gotten firefly lights to hang up.

Hyosonn let Seonghwa know they're coming, and she could definitely sense the enthusiasm and excitement from how he responded back. She smiled in the passenger seat as she wrote a reply.

As soon as Ms. Kang parked her black Audi SUV-without any worry that somebody could vandalize or steal it because the rest of the neighborhood knows better than to mess with any visitor at the Parks residence-Hyosonn helped with the cake while Chun Hei gets the bags with the decorations and gifts from both of them.

Chun Hei set down some of the stuff to be able to knock on the door. A quick moment later, Seonghwa rapidly opened up with his characteristic, radiant grin that makes Hyosonn weak in the knees and melt internally.

He bowed to Ms. Kang and greeted her. "Annyeonghaseyo, Ms. Kang. Glad you could make it. Auntie doesn't have any idea yet. I just fibbed for her to get pretty to take her out," he mentioned, and Chun Hei chuckled with a wide smile of her own.

"That gives us a chance to probably decorate before she figures out the real plan," she laughed.

He grinned again, nodding and then gazed at Hyosonn with soft eyes that had her feeling all fuzzy inside. "Allow me to help you with the bags," he murmured, and took them all from Ms. Kang without trouble.

Bringing the things to the kitchen, Seonghwa set them down where she indicated would be a good spot to easily take out what are in there, like the decorations.

The birthday cake is in a white box, and is put in the middle of the dining table.

"Hello, beautiful," Seonghwa whispered into Hyosonn's ear and kissed her cheek tenderly, since her mother is nearby. Tingling surging up and down her spine overcame her as it always occurs when he speaks in her ear. She's blushing crimson, and lifted her head up at Seonghwa, smiling bashfully. He had an amused smile at the reaction.

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