Chapter Ten

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The wailing sirens sounded as the paramedics rapidly attempt to stabilize Hyosonn inside the ambulance, Seonghwa was in a corner watching her battling between life and death through blurred eyes from the constant flow of tears.

One of the paramedics had removed the bloodied coat and her sweater, to cover the gunshot wounds with gauze or dressing, Seonghwa didn't know nor care the correct term for it. Another administers oxygen with a respiratory mask, squeezing the bag every few seconds, and the first paramedic inserted IV catheters, a fluid running through the tube to Hyosonn's veins.

"I-Is she going to ma-make it?" he asked the dreaded question that he feared the answer.

"We're doing everything we can, young man." The female replied softly, observing him sob into his hands as she continues squeezing.

It was chaos once they've reached the hospital, medical staff waiting with a wheeled hospital bed to rush Hyosonn off towards the OR (operating room) where they'll remove the bullets, shouting directions one to the other and speeding hurriedly to the ward.

The blood loss was so much, that she needed transfusions, too. Seonghwa said that if they need more, he could donate, since he is O type.

While the nurse is prepping him, he gasped. Oh, no! He hasn't called her mother!!

"I have to call Hyosonn's mom..." he mentions to the nurse and she allowed him to do so.

Seonghwa always promised to keep Hyosonn safe, and he stood paralyzed as Hajoon shot her...he failed so terribly. He would've taken that bullet before allowing his precious girl to be in this horrific situation.

He dialed Ms. Kang and was breathing rapidly, lungs tightened. When he mentions what happened, she screamed in the line almost leaving him deaf. She frantically questions what hospital was Hyosonn taken. By the time he hung up, he felt like dying. She didn't say it, but her mother had to be blaming him for's true, he really doesn't deserve Hyosonn, if he did nothing to protect her...

She was transferred to the ICU unit, where she'd be intubated. Nobody has been allowed to see her yet.

Seonghwa was bent over, unable to stop weeping in the waiting room with her mother at the other end of the row of chairs. His aunt had arrived shortly after he called her. And all of a sudden a tear-stained Yunho and Munhee came running in, questioning an irresponsive Seonghwa and then attempt with Ms. Kang who just barely was able to tell them what happened.

Heeyoung rhythmically rubbed his back as it shook from his intense sobbing.

"Seonghwa, hey, look at me," Yunho said to him, kneeling so Seonghwa has to look at him even if he's bent over.

"I know! I wasn't able to protect her! It should be me in the-there, not So-Sonn," he choked and broke down, crying on his aunt's chest. She wept silently, stroking his hair.

"Don't ever say that, Hwa. Don't," she whispered hoarsely.

"We don't blame you, Seonghwa." Munhee breathed.

"Yeah, man. I only was going to say don't lo-lose hope," Yunho rasped chokingly.

"I-I don't deserve he-her, I-I don't...this is the proof!" Seonghwa sobs, and Heeyoung cooed words of consolation, kissing his dampened hair.

"Seonghwa...look at me, dear." It was Hyosonn's mother, she gently tugged him off Heeyoung and held his face in her hands, both crying. "It isn't your fault, okay? It was th-that monster who did all this. How could you have suspected he would be there?"

"I should've blocked those bullets, ma'am, and I just stood there!" he exclaimed miserably.

"No, son! It would be her suffering here, and I know you wouldn't want that either." she protested.

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