Chapter Twelve

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An entire week passed, Seonghwa's boss was considerate of the situation, even promising at least the half of what he earned when he works, and Seonghwa hasn't had the courage to enter that hospital yet. Hyosonn's mother must hate him for real now, seeing his lack of commitment or support. Yeah, he is an asshole. Now do you see why he doesn't deserve Hyosonn?

He hardly ate much, Heeyoung and Hong Joong forcing him the majority of the time. Now he knew what Hyosonn went through when she'd been two months of not eating...damn, he truly is a piece of shit. Hajoon wasn't far off with what he said, and it hurts to even admit that from the motherfucker who almost kills Hyosonn.

So here in his room is Seonghwa, lying in bed for the past week, only getting up to use the bathroom and obligate himself to bathe because not even the desire for that was there.

"Hwa, you have visitors," Aunt Heeyoung tells him, peeking into the room.

"I don't want to see nobody, Aunt. Send them away." he mumbles, turning on his side and clutched his pillow.

"It's gonna take more than that to make us leave." Daeshim murmurs.

"Yeah, because friends are there for each other in the worst times." Yunho mentions.

"So, we're gonna stay here until you get the strength to go into that room." Youngjae says softly.

"Comfortable bed," Mingi remarked, pouncing onto the bed noisily, a six-foot tall person making a heavy landing.

Seonghwa cursed quietly, rolling over and scowled at all of them.

"Nah, but not even depression makes him less handsome. Look at that," Mingi joked, smirking and chuckled when Seonghwa also rolls his eyes.

"Bro, you're stuck with us." Youngjae tells him.

"Nice party." Hong Joong came in, having already seen when the guys arrived.

"What will it take for me to make all of you fuckin' leave?" Seonghwa groaned, turning to his left and it was a mistake, because a framed photograph of the day he took Hyosonn on the first official date was on his night table.

Yunho followed the line of his vision, spotting the frame. He moved closer to it and looked at the photo. An aegyo pic of him and Hyosonn, where he's sticking his tongue to the side in a suggestive way. He smiled sadly, picking the frame up and contemplated the joyous and adorable grin of his best friend at the movie theatre.

Seonghwa looked up at him with a tortured gaze, abruptly turning away from Yunho.

"Seonghwa, even if you won't meet my eyes, listen to my voice," Yunho murmured softly. "You two will have more silly pictures like this one, and a whole long time to love each other, okay? She is going to get off that hospital bed because a damn motherfucker like who tried to ruin everything you two are developing in your relationship, he won't be able to. What Hyosonn and you have, it's something very special and I don't give a fuck if you agree or not, but you're not gonna fuckin' give up on this. Or are you a coward? Ah? You always demonstrate how tough you are and defended yourself in school, but this is the war field like the game. Only it's reality this time. A soldier doesn't quit, Seonghwa. I sure as hell know you ain't a quitter. If you were...then you would not have asked Hyosonn to give you a chance for something serious instead of a simple friend with benefits relationship."

His words were digging into Seonghwa like knives, and he buried his face in the blanket because he was ashamed for a lot of reasons. Because these guys are seeing him cry like a little girl, because everything Yunho says is true. The truth is so painful...

Then he's kneeling at Seonghwa's side. "I know you want to see her, even if the condition is unbearable. A lot of people say that even when a person is unconscious, she can hear whoever speaks to them. Tell Hyosonn how sorry you are, if you need to. But please, don't spend another day in this room hating yourself, Seonghwa. You love her. Love is in sickness and health. So show it, damn it." he grumbled.

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