Water and Ice Above All

Start from the beginning

"Long ago, from a time of dragons, there were two that were very special. All dragons are special, but these two dragons are sister, born of the same egg. They were known as the Siren Dragons, both graced with beauty and grace. Instead of invoking your soul with fear these two made you trust them completely, almost fall in love with them. When the dawn of dragon slayers came to be, they too began to train humans but a problem soon arose. The dragons naturally liked training humans that shared the same gender as themselves, and they were also fond of sisters.

"But as time went on, it became obvious to the dragon king that these two sister dragons created terrible human weapons when training two sisters. The slayers power not only effected dragons, but their fellow man. The lord of dragons decided that he was going to make rules for the two of them. They could no longer train two females nor could they train siblings. If the two of them wanted to continue making dragon slayers, than they would need one man and one woman slayer that were not related.

"The sister dragons agreed to this rule and they added their own. They knew they could create the most fearsome dragon slayers alive so they made a promise to each other. They chose one maker magic wizard and asked her to choose a partner who also used maker magic. These two would bring the new dawn to the sisters dragon slayers. With maker magic in their blood, the two took to the dragon slaying quite easily, and with all the time they spent together they eventually became a couple.

"This is where the sister's true plan came to be. They instructed the couple that once they had a child that a lacroma was to be inserted into them so the child could become an even greater magic user. While the couple was occupied with that they would find a maker magic user of the opposite sex that was just born, insert a lacroma into them and then take the two children and start the process all over again. The third generation, however, didn't need lacroma implanted because they were already fused into their souls. When a lacroma is implanted into you it inserts itself into your gene. Usually wizards that have a lacroma inserted don't have a partner who also has a lacroma inside them, since this procedure isn't commonly practiced.

"Now if the legend is true, than this process happened many times. If we are going to be precise about it, about four times. Each time, the two dragon slayers only had one child so the process would start again. Until the most known pair, they had a daughter and a year later they had another daughter. The dragon sisters were already training the eldest sister when the younger one was born, they didn't see a problem with the couple having another child, and they decided they just weren't going to train her. But then it happened. The children were four and five, when their home was destroyed, along with their parents. Another dragon was infuriated by how close these two were with the humans, he said that humans were scum and shouldn't be allowed to even go near them. When the two dragons and the fully trained dragon slayers tried to defeat him, they lost the home and the parents were destroyed. The dragons were appalled by what happened, by what some dragons thought was right and wrong. So they broke the rules that the dragon king had given them and they trained both sisters. Both had the same gifts, both blessed with lacroma, and maker magic potential."

"Okay so this legend, what does it have to do with us?" Laxus asked calmly with his feet up on the table.

"This legend is stupid, two dragons in one egg? That's totally fake!" Cobra smirked from his heavily guarded table.

Suddenly the whole building began to shake, and there were screams coming from outside. All seven of us, sadly including Cobra, jumped up from our tables and ran outside. What I saw couldn't have been real! A giant wave at least fifty feet high, was coming straight for the town and around it seemed to be....ice shards? I had seen a power similar to this before, it looked like a duel raid but one that wasn't planned.

Siren Dragon SlayersWhere stories live. Discover now