Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

"He's cute isn't he?" Jackson suddenly said out of nowhere.

'Naaaahh he's alright. Nothin' special." I said with a 50-50 expression on my face.

"Oh really? 'Cause from what I saw, I thought he was more than just 'alright'" Jackson Replied

I laughed slightly, "Oh fine, He's freaking hot!"

Jackson put on a big smile "ha! see? I knew it"

I rolled my eyes at him, "yeah yeah whatever."

After a long drive back home, my beloved annoying brother Jason welcomed me. How joyful.

"Hey sis! I must say you look absolutely hot for a loser" Jason said with a horrid british accent.

"Ugh can you go annoy someone else Jason. I'm tired oh and hungry. Call Maria for me?" I said with my best pleading voice.

"Only if you play black ops with me later. Deal?"

"Fine." I sighed "But are you sure? 'Cause the last time I checked, I beat your high score two times in a row. Two Jason, two."  I said while emphasizing on the 'two'. But seriously, I did beat his high score. When I did I swore I saw a tear drop shed from his eyes. It was hilarious.

“Oh don’t worry, this time, I’ll beat you sis and you’ll lose badly” he said while emphasizing on the ‘badly.’

I scoffed, “We’ll see.”

We glared at each other while circling like those gladiators in the movies.

“It’s on!” Jason said firmly.

After about 5 seconds both of us burst out in a fit of laughter.

“Naahh you won’t beat me bro, but it’s worth a try. Well gotta,go, need to face le father.” I said with a terrified look.

“Haha yeah we’ll see. Good luck facing le father.” Jason replied with a fake terrified look.

I laughed slightly and ran up the stairs.

My house is pretty big. I got to admit. It has 3 floors and it’s just fabulous. Yeah yeah call me Sharpay Evans or whatever but seriously I just love my house.

My house is the only minimalist one around the neighborhood considering we’re practically in the middle of nowhere. Well not really in the middle of nowhere we’re just about half a mile away form civilization. Well a quarter mile, at least.

My room is also awesome to be honest. I love it. My room is kind of like Edward Cullen’s in the movie ‘Twilight’ but its twice his size, a bed actually exists, a flat screen on the wall, change half of those music discs to books, change classical music discs into alternative rock and classic rock music oh and add a wardrobe and a couch. Oh and plus a wall filled completely with posters of bands and random stuff. There you have it. My room.

I stepped inside and practically threw myself on my bed. I am exhausted yet extremely hungry.

I changed my clothes to some shorts and an AC/DC tee. Have I mentioned how much I love AC/DC? No? Well now you know. I walked to my couch, took my laptop and immediately, appears my webpage.

Welcome to Sierra Adams’ Website. You are viewer number 2.890.045!

I skipped all that ads and promo crap and went straight to posting.

Time to update to some fans. Hey, even though I lost I still got to owe my fans some of my leftover dignity and compassion. Right?

I started typing.

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