To Survive: Part 22: End of the First Class Trial

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What everyone just saw... That was the true face of despair. If they can't call it that, what else could they call it? Knuckles the Echidna, the Ultimate Boxer, everyone's friend up until now died right in front of everyone... It was true despair...

Monokuma: Wooohooo!!! Extreeeeeeemmmmmeeeee!!! Man, my adrenaline is pumping right outta control! I've been wanting to do that for so long, and now it happened! 


Pinkie Pie: HOLY CUPCAKES!!!!!!!

Ruby: Wh-Wh-What's going o-on!? Th-this i-isn't r-right!

Benjamin: I-I can't take th-this anymore...! D-do we really have to keep d-doing this? I-I just can't take i-it! I-I just wanna leave!

Monokuma: Well hey, if you don't like it... All you gotta do is swear to cut all ties with the outside world and accept living here forever! But that's only if every single one of you can get on board with that. Puhuhuhu... Waahahahaha! Bwaahahaha!

Pico: Man, fuck you... Why the fuck are you going all this evil shit to us!? It's horrible!

Kat: I agree! Please, stop all this madness!

Monokuma:  Evil!? You make it sound like I'm some dark, awful, secret society type of guy! Or in this case, a dark, awful, secret society type of BEAR!!!

Pinkie Pie: It's because you are! You're making us go through all this pain, not even caring how we feel!

Monokuma: It seems like you're trying to use common sense to make sense of something that doesn't make sense! That's like trying to put a mile on a scale! I just don't think it's possible...

Pinkie Pie: Hey, uh, I don't think what you're saying and what I'm saying quite fit together.

Twilight Sparkle: What Pinkie is trying to say is true! You only care about yourself, and you're killing all of us!

Pico:  You piece of shit! I don't know who you are but I'm gonna pound your ass into the ground!

Kat: [Grabs Pico's arm] Pico, no! If you do that, you'll get punished and end up like Whitty, Fiona, and Knuckles!

Monokuma: Puhuhu. Your girlfriend is right, ginger! 

Pico: [Blushes] G-Girlfriend...?! N-no! That's not-

Monokuma: You must really hate me to get so angry, huh? But if you do that, you're barking waaay up the wrong tree. What happened, happened because more than one of you decided you wanted to get out, right? No matter how much time passes, you can't cut free of your regrets from the outside world. You're to blame!

Ruby: O-of c-course we can't c-cut f-free of t-the outside world! B-being trapped in this insane p-place...!

Monokuma: Hmmm... You're trapped, are you? Well, I'm sure once you learn all the mysteries of this school, your thinking will change for sure. You'll think, "Boy, isn't it so wonderful how we all get to live here forever!?"

Amy: What are you trying to say...? It doesn't make any sense...!

Crystal: And for the record, Monokuma, we're never gonna think that way about this school! I just wanna go home and see my sister again!

Blaze:  I feel like there's some deeper meaning hidden in there... Just like before...


Monokuma: Your wish is my command, master! Let's hurry up and get to what everyone's been waiting for! The punishment!

End of flashback...

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