Meeting the Last Five Ultimates

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After talking to Ruv, Fiona, Blaze, Espio, Benjamin, Pinkie Pie, and Crystal, Silver was trying to decide who he should talk to next. He then saw five other students standing in front of him. A purple alicorn, a black hedgehog, a ginger, a nun-looking female, and a green hedgehog.

Silver: It looks like I need to talk to five more students! I'll go talk to them right now! [He then walked over to the purple alicorn] 

Twilight Sparkle: Hello there! I'm Twilight Sparkle, the Ultimate Scientist!

Silver: [Thinking] I remember reading about her on the thread! [Twilight was enrolled in a posh school of science and graduated at the top of her class. That definitely makes her the Ultimate Scientist. After she graduated, she went on to study all there is to science] 

Twilight Sparkle: So, do you know a thing or two about science yourself?

Silver: Well, I do know a little bit about space science!

Twilight Sparkle: Actually, that's called astronomy! 

Silver: Oh! Really?

Twilight Sparkle: Yep! Don't worry, I didn't know about that when I first started studying astronomy! 

Silver: Well, thank you for the new info!

Twilight Sparkle: Anytime! 

Silver: [Thinking] The thread wasn't kidding about her! She really is genius-level smart! [He then walked over to the black hedgehog]

Shadow: Hmph! Let's just get this over with. My name is Shadow the Hedgehog, the Ultimate Agent! 

Silver: Huh...? Well, it's nice to meet you...

Shadow: Hmph! 

Silver: [Thinking] That's the most half-hearted introduction I've ever heard... But there isn't really anything I can do about it. Even among the ultimate students, this one is special. Shadow the Hedgehog... [He was one of the best agents on this super special team known as G.U.N. He goes on super crazy missions, like the one of the escaped serial killers. His title of Ultimate Agent is completely accurate. He's the definition of "exceptional." That's everything I learned about him from that Hope's Peak Academy thread online] 

Shadow: We're done with introductions, right? [Looks at Silver] How much longer are you going to stand there? [Looks away from Silver] Go away. I'm sick of looking at you.

Silver: [Thinking] His aura says to me, "You and I will never stand on the same level." [He then walked over to the ginger]

Pico: Yo, what's up? My name is Pico! I'm known as the Ultimate Gunslinger! [Pico is known for being really good with guns. I still don't know how it happened, but something must've happened to make him so into guns. He is without a doubt the Ultimate Gunslinger] Hey, Silver right? Did ya already talk to that yellow cat?

Silver: Yeah. Why?

Pico: Well, don't tell anyone I said this, but she's kinda cute...

Silver: Wait, you're in love with her already? But you guys haven't even interacted with each other yet.

Pico: I know, but I do want to get to know her some more, like what she likes to do and stuff like that, ya know? Maybe she and I can become friends, and possibly more...

Silver: That sounds nice! I'd say to just be yourself, and when the time is right, go for it!

Pico: Heh, thanks... 

Silver: [Thinking] I never thought someone could fall in love that quickly... [He then walks over to the nun]

Sarvente: Hiya! I'm Sarvente, but you can call me Sarv for short! I know I'm pretty, but enough about my looks! I'm the Ultimate God Worshipper! [Sarvente is known as one of the best nuns at the church she runs, making her the Ultimate God Worshipper]

Silver: [Thinking] I might not completely understand the whole "Nuns trying to get people into Heaven" thing, but hey, who am I to judge?

Sarvente: Huh? I knew it!

Silver: Huh? Knew what?

Sarvente: I don't sense a single religious bone in your body! Have you never gone to church before?!

Silver: Well, no, uh... I mean... Well... I didn't think you'd be so offended by me not being religious...

Sarvente: Well Silver, I shall enlighten you that it is my duty as a nun to help you get to Heaven, and feel the eternal happiness... [Sighs] That I could not feel...

Silver: Huh? What are you talking about?

Sarvente: ....Uh... Nevermind that! It's a pleasure to meet you, Silver! If you ever wanna join my church, let me know, okay?

Silver: .....Uh... Okay...? [Thinking] She's nice but very mysterious. What does she mean when she said "Feel the eternal happiness that she couldn't feel?" [He then walked over to the green hedgehog]

Scourge: So, we haven't met yet, huh? Well, my name is Scourge the Hedgehog, the Ultimate Assassin! So stay outta my way if you don't wanna die!

Silver: Uh... Sc-Scou...

Scourge: No, you idiot! It's Scourge! My name is Scourge! Fucking get it right!

Silver: Woah! Sorry! I just...

Scourge: Shut up! I don't wanna hear your stupid fucking excuses!

Silver: Woah, calm down! I was just having trouble pronouncing it, that's all!

Scourge: Just shut up! I don't wanna hear your stupid voice anymore!

Silver: [Thinking] He's a real jerk, alright! I guess the rumors in that thread were right about him... [Scourge the Hedgehog, he's the Ultimate Assassin who's never failed to kill someone. His chill attitude changing to a mean attitude was not too surprising, though. Even if his crew is ever caught by the police, Scourge would hire the best lawyers with all the money he stole from that big bank robbery a few years back. If that didn't work, he would resort to exposing his own crew and getting them arrested instead of him, as he did with one of his former crew members, Rodent Wolf. He hasn't gone to prison once, and even if he did, he could easily escape]

Scourge: So, just gonna give you a fair warning here, if you ever try to threaten or kill me, I will find you, and I will rip you limb from limb! Got it?!

Silver: O-okay... [Thinking] I better watch my back around him...

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