Wall Maria (Part 2)

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No one's Pov

Y/n's Titan came down with a loud thud making the place shake. The dirt that covered the appearance of the 18m Titan slowly started to disappear. There the 18m appeared tall and mighty.

He moved right in front of the opening and the rest of the scouts saw the crystal start to coat his body making it connect to the wall

Y/n's Pov-

Before I got myself stuck in my own Titan I broke free from the flesh attached to my arms and face.

The burning light of the sun made me immediately close them, after a second I opened them. All I saw was the raven haired female land beside me.

She got me up on feet and held my waist to take me back on top of the wall.

"Don't let your guard down! Keep on the lookout!" Hanji's commanded to the rest of the scouts by her.

As we neared the top of the wall I couldn't help glance at Mikasa and admire her features from those stormy eyes to her plump pink lips. I looked away controlling myself not wanting to get caught staring.

We soon landed on the wall, I, kneeling on the ground feeling a bit weak.

"Y/n!" Both Armin and Eren called out for me

Mikasa let go of me and spoke "How's your ODM gear?"

I took a look and surprisingly it was all in perfect shape, "Its all good, but my cloak is gone" I said barely noticing.

I felt someone place a cloak over my shoulders making me pause for a second, I stood up and put the over my head.

I turned to Mikasa, "Thanks" Is all I said

I turned when I heard Levi's voice echo when asking the group of scouts that were watching if I covered it right.

"Success!" was what I heard followed with a green flare shot to the sky

Hanji looked at the sky as the green flare ascended to the sky

"We did it.." She said with a bit of surprise. She turned around and walked towards me "Y/n are you okay?" She spoke with a concerned face

"No problems here" I responded

She nodded and turned towards Shiganshina, "We'll head for the inner gate! While we're on the move, remember to hide your faces!"

We started running behind Hanji not wanting to waste our gas

I ran next to Eren and spoke "It's gonna be your turn now" I said side eyed him then smirked

"Yeah Yeah, I know. No need to get me nervous" He said playfully

I looked at the district feeling the memories from my time there

After a bit of running we switched to Odm

I thought to myself If I really have the strength to defeat Reiner if he appeared

Y/n's Thoughts: Tch, from what I remember he isn't that good at sparring...hehe

A mischief face appeared on my face making me chuckle lowly

Then a red flare interrupted my thoughts meaning to halt the mission, "All troops, scatter and and stand by atop the wall!" Hanji ordered

"Roger" All scouts went up to the wall as said

As I made it to the top I noticed other scouts...tapping the wall?

Y/n's  thoughts: I wouldn't have thought about that... good old Armin

After awhile a flare was shot and in a second I saw a blade pierce his abdomen

His body falling and there he appeared the the buff blonde but Captain Levi was already ahead zooming down. He pierced Reiner right in the neck then taking his other blade and stabbing his chest while running down the wall.

But Levi soon let go and went back letting Reiner fall to the ground, Confused looks were glued to everyone's faces including myself. We soon assumed he's gone but then a small yellow light illuminated from his body then a lightning strike hit.

Then It came to me that the Armored Titan has the ability to transfer his consciousness. He still remembered his uncle telling him about the Titan's abilities.

I looked back down and saw his Titan laying on the ground, golden eyes shinning.

"Keep on the lookout! Locate his allies-" Another loud strike from behind Commander Erwin made him pause

Instead of one multiple making everyone's eyes widen and some with there mouths opened

"I guess they finally decided to appear, huh?" I said while an amused smile appeared on my face

The Beast Titan stood up and immediately stood, picking up a boulder. He did some weird pose and aimed at the wall.

Humans vs. Titans was what I heard from Erwin

Y/n's Thoughts: He has Royal blood, how fascinating


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