Chapter 23: The Capture

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A/n note Hanji's pronouns I'm going to be using she/her

Y/n Pov-

Mikasa pulled me and Eren down the stairs

Once we were at the bottom I looked back and saw the Female Titan fully transformed.


Eren's Pov--

Levi: What's the hold up. Erwin's never late. They should be here, at this rate the damn Mps will show up. First that we are your luck. Yeah who can say neither all taking up shit Duty calls, right?

Eren: you're uh sure in talkative mood today

Levi: So what if I am? Doesn't mean I was talking to you.

Levi put his mug down but she he did he felt the pain on his left leg.

Eren: It's my fault, sir. I made the choice if I have thought this through none of this...we wouldn't-

Levi: You made a judgment call. Look no one expects you to be clairvoyant.

The door creaked open revealing Erwin

Erwin: Sorry to keep you waiting

Eren: Sir. What the? Why? Why are you all here?

I said noticing Y/n, Armin, Jean, and Mikasa.

Erwin: We believe we have uncovered the female Titan's true identity. She won't slip away this time.

We all took a seat at the table in the middle of the room to discuss

Erwin: The day after tomorrow. Will be passing through Stohess district and route to the Capital. That's when will strike, it'll be our first and only chance to do so once we've set foot in the interior. The government will assume custody of Eren and the scouts authority to continue operations, will be limited. Thus, unless we wish to concede defeat we must flush out the enemy now.

I nodded and he continued

Erwin: So here's what we do. While in Stohess. We use Eren as bait lowering. The target into this underground passage. The deeper the better, get her well beneath street level. That done she should be easily immobilized even in Titan form. If she transforms before reaching the tunnel I'll let that point, she'll be your responsibility Eren

Eren: Right. So we know she'll be in Stohess. There's no chance she'll bolt before we get there

Erwin: No. She won't risk going awol

Eren: you mean she's a-

Erwin: Armin here identified her. She's and Mp, likely responsible for the deaths of Hanji's test subjects and a fellow trainee. In the 104th cadet core.

Eren: You can't be serious. I trained with her?!

Erwin: I'm sorry but yes. She's one of us

Back to reality

Y/n Pov-

Her newly transformed Titan body appeared

Erwin: Her name is Annie Leonhardt

Y/n: Do you believe it now Eren?!

Eren: I-

He got caught off when Annie stuck her hand through the hole

I started running right behind Mikasa, Eren, and Armin

Armin: Damn it that ring she must of known I was lying from the start. She knew we were leading her to a trap. I could've have- I should've have taken a different approach

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