Have fun in Calc, my hot little nerd. I love you.

- Caleb

I let the cover shut immediately, though I couldn't help but laugh at the memory. Was buying your fiancé a college textbook romantic? Not necessarily. But when they were over a hundred dollars each and we were broke students?

I'd given him head for it. And it had ended with me bent over the desk in my dorm.

Vivid as ever in my deviant brain, I squeaked and pushed the heavy book away, cursing my body for growing aroused at something so stupidly simple for the second time today. I let my head fall back to the desk with a thud.

I groaned. "What the fuck is wrong with me?"

"Well, you're sleeping instead of working, for one." Caleb's voice popped into the room, its waves reverberating off the empty walls.

Caught off guard, I lifted my head to see him leaning casually against the entrance with the door shut at his back. I blinked and let my hands fall from the wooden desk, placing them to rest on my thighs. It was only then that I realized how high the hem of my leather skirt had risen in my seated position.

I cleared my throat, wincing at its desert state. "Caleb, do you need something?"

His lip curled up in a smirk. "It's Caleb now, huh? I must admit, hearing you say 'sir' in my office was...something else."

My lips parted. How was he tens of feet away and still able to make me feel like a deer in the headlights? I felt like a teenager stuck in the janitor's closet with her high school crush—not that that wasn't a fair enough comparison. But I was a grown woman, dammit. And the man was no longer my crush, rather the ass that stomped on my heart.

So why was my body betraying me, and why wasn't I mad that it was?

I forced my backbone to harden. "To be fair, I was expecting Dean Williams. Not you."

Caleb stayed silent a moment, pursing his lips at my explanation. When he pushed off the doorframe and took slow steps towards my desk, my spine turned back to jelly much to my dismay. I held my breath and spun the chair slightly to make sure my legs were hidden under the desk, but it didn't stop the throbbing in my clit that synced with the steps he took.

When he halted at the corner of my desk, his body heat and cologne immediately engulfed my senses. Leaning across, he used his long arms to grab for the textbook I'd shoved away. Holding it, he looked it over with a knowing glint in his gaze before setting it back on my desk. He hadn't even opened it and still knew what it was. My cheeks flared with fire under the embarrassment of having kept it all these years despite our story.

Caleb's body turned so he could half-sit on the ledge, kicking one foot over the other. His eyes lowered, studying me, and though I wished so hard to contain it, my face was like molten lava under his stare.

"It's funny, you're different and somehow still the same."

Just as I opened my mouth to ask what he meant, another woman I didn't recognize pushed the door open without so much as a knock.

"There you are, Cal! You missed me earlier, I came by your office." She walked into the room with her clacking heels so high they made mine look like flats.

Who the fuck would wear those to work?

I grimaced and twinged my toes in my own stilettos, feeling like a pot judging the kettle. Then again, maybe it wasn't the shoes that had tipped me off, rather the purr in her voice when she'd spoken to him.

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