A new method [Error, Dream and Blue]

Start from the beginning

"It's... a voodoo doll." Not waiting for a reaction Error continued, quick, before the remains of his confidence could run out. "There's this relatively new au which revolves about stuff like that. I was able to obtain some books about the topic and long story short, I made a voodoo doll... of myself... for you."

"...For us?" Dream's voice was filled with surprise and not because of the mention of the au. He has seen so many different variations of Undertale that he could just easily shrug it off.

"Yeah." There was a moment of awkward silence, none of the skeletons knowing what to say.

"But why? I mean, won't that feel like touch to you if either of his even puts a finger on it?" Blue asked with worry in his tone, although he was clearly intrigued. They have all tried to get the haphephobic monster used to touch and it was progressing, but extremely slowly. He definitely was nowhere near being ready to be touched all over.

"Yes it will, and that's the point!" Error exclaimed, frustration clear in his voice, though he calmed himself rather quickly. "I mean, not exactly. I will feel it, but without the... the feeling...? That's what I read at least, and as far as I can understand I should be able to feel the touch, but it won't trigger my haphephobia." His two datemates' eye sockets grew wider, switching between looking at the doll and Error himself. "I just want to be able to be given proper affection." Error admitted in a quiet, defeated voice, his eyes glued to the ground now.

"Oh, Error." Dream cooed at the destroyer affectionately. "That sound like a dream, but don't you think we should test it first?"

"I do." His lover agreed and put the doll next to the two. "Just, touch it in one place or something so we know it works."

"And how it affects you..." Dream mumbled to himself turning his head to look at Blue, who seemed eager.

"Mwehehe, let's do it then!" He insisted, looking for Error's approval, who just nodded clearly nervous, but a wobbly smile appeared on his face. Oh, how he hoped this would work. "Alright, I'll just touch your skull real quick."

Error nodded, closing his eyes in anticipation. It felt like ages, but finally, he felt a quick poke to his skull, which made him flinch. However, he couldn't tell whether it was because of the fear or just the surprise.

"So, how was it?" Dream, whose eyes didn't leave Error's frame, asked.

"I'm... not... sure." He answered plainly. "I think it was a bit too quick for me to decide."

Blue simply nodded, understanding the unspoken request. His finger touched the doll's head once again, but this time stayed a bit longer and run through it for a second. Meanwhile, Error shuddered from the sensation. It didn't feel bad though. In fact, it felt pretty good!

"Could you... do it again?" Error didn't have to wait for long, though this time it was Dream. Sensing the positive change in his lover's emotions, his singular finger stayed longer on the head, practically petting it.

"Can I continue?"

"Ah, yeah, sure." Error's thoughts were incoherent as he tried to keep the focus on the sensation. It felt weird, fear still tugged at his mind, but was melting gradually. It really was just like touch, but somehow without the physical part. It was silent in the room for a moment, safe for Error's glitches buzzing quietly. Their owner appeared... relaxed.

"It seems like you're enjoying it." Blue's hope-filled words sounded more like a question than a statement.

"It feels... nice. I suppose that I actually like it."

"Can I try holding your hand then?" Dream's question made Error open his eyes and nod slowly. The guardian waited for a second and then grabbed the doll's hand.

Error was surprisingly comfortable, the touch on his hand felt more like cupping it instead of intertwining fingers, but a wave of glitches came through him. Happy glitches. Blue's eyes were still glued to him, same with Dream though he was also focused on the doll, being watchful to not touch anywhere without a warning.

"Is everything okay?" Blue checked in wonder.

The response was short and to the point. "Heavenly. It's like touch, but without whatever makes me freak out." A moment of silence followed, Error appearing to be considering his options. "Could... one of you... you know, hug me?"

"Aww." Blue cooed at the invitation, which honestly sounded shy. He snatched the doll from Dream, who just rolled his eyes playfully and let him. "Ready?"

"Yeah." Error breathed out, shivering nervously, but excited.

Blue gathered the doll in his arms and gave it a slow, but tight hug, seeing that the other was willing and actually enjoying himself. Error on the other hand was blushing and clutching the rug from the sensation. It did pretty much feel as if Blue was hugging him and he has never expected it to feel so good, so safe. He had to lay down, bathing in the feeling of arms around him. At some point, he felt gentle fingers rubbing his not his back and he managed to turn on his stomach, starting to purr in happiness.

"It seems that you were correct. This really was an important matter." Dream smiled at Error, making him try to stop his purring in embarrassment.

"So cute." Blue mumbled to himself, giving a little kiss to the cheek, making Error lean into it.

The display of affection lasted for a while, after all, every participant was either touch starved or enjoyed helping the touch starved person. Eventually, the doll was put down, making Error whine quietly and sigh.

"Take it." He announced once he collected himself enough. "Just please make sure that nobody else touches it."

"We'd never!" Blue exclaimed in a mockingly offended tone and then pat the seat next to him. "Let's have a cuddly movie night together, Error. Now we can!"

"Yeaaah, I guess we do." Error scratched the back of his neck, chuckling nervously. Suddenly he felt a bit shy embracing the new situation, but still more than willing to test its waters. He sat on one end of the couch, wrapping the blanket around himself. Once he felt the impression of cuddling from one of his boyfriends and a kiss from the other, he knew he wouldn't regret his decision and those few weeks.

Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)Where stories live. Discover now